
After getting up in the morning, try to eat as little as possible these 5 types of breakfast, doctor: easy to affect the health of the body

author:Dr. Ying talks about health

Now everyone's awareness of health is getting stronger and stronger, and the status of breakfast in everyone's mind is becoming more and more important, and now there is a popular saying that calls eating well in the morning, eating full at noon, and eating less at night. As the saying goes, "the plan of the day lies in the morning", eating well in the morning, the day will be full of energy, and the importance of breakfast is self-evident.

After getting up in the morning, try to eat as little as possible these 5 types of breakfast, doctor: easy to affect the health of the body

In today's fast-paced life, breakfast is often ignored by people, and it is easy not to eat breakfast when dealing with things often, which will affect health in the long run and lay hidden dangers for diseases.

The importance of breakfast for the body

1, do not eat breakfast is easy to age

Do not eat breakfast the human body will use the body stored in the sugar and protein, when the body machine can not get timely nutritional supplementation, physiological functions will be reduced, resulting in anemia, wrinkles, dry skin, etc., accelerate the aging of the human body.

After getting up in the morning, try to eat as little as possible these 5 types of breakfast, doctor: easy to affect the health of the body

2, eat breakfast is easier to lose weight

The human body is aware of the lack of nutrition, the first consumption is carbohydrates and protein, the last consumption is fat, do not eat breakfast, will become easy to fat physique, so breakfast is the way to lose weight.

3. Reduce the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases

A night of rest, the stomach will secrete more stomach acid, a moderate amount of breakfast, will protect the gastrointestinal tract, neutralize stomach acid, do not eat breakfast, lunch will inevitably be due to hunger a large number of food, will be because of disruption of the physiological activity of the digestive system, will increase the burden of the digestive system, easy to cause dysfunction, induce gastrointestinal diseases.

After getting up in the morning, try to eat as little as possible these 5 types of breakfast, doctor: easy to affect the health of the body

4. Replenish energy

Eating breakfast can prevent the occurrence of diseases to replenish energy to the human body, if you do not eat breakfast all morning in an empty state, especially affecting people's energy and physical strength. It will also affect people's work efficiency and learning efficiency, affect people's memory and concentration, so breakfast is very important.

What happens to people who have not eaten breakfast for a long time?

1. Hypoglycemia

If women are thin, coupled with long-term absence of breakfast, it is easy to cause hypoglycemia. Because, the human body does not eat during sleep, after getting up in the morning, the blood sugar value in the body is lower than at other times of the day, the brain needs glucose to work normally, and other substances due to the presence of the blood-brain barrier.

After getting up in the morning, try to eat as little as possible these 5 types of breakfast, doctor: easy to affect the health of the body

Breakfast did not eat, there is no hypoglycemia, may be good physical fitness, or the first night's diet sugar content is relatively high, try to eat on time to prevent the cause of hypoglycemic reaction, if there is a hypoglycemic reaction, you can take some sugar blocks, sugar water for relief.

2. Decreased immunity

Because the intake of nutrients is not enough, it may lead to a decline in the body's immunity, which can induce the production of certain diseases.

3. Malnutrition

Breakfast for the human body is more important, at this time the body nutrition after a night of sleep time, most of them have been consumed, do not eat breakfast, will lead to the inability to obtain the nutrients needed in the body in time, causing malnutrition, long-term do not eat breakfast, easy to appear anemia symptoms, accompanied by palpitations, fatigue, mental atrophy and other phenomena.

After getting up in the morning, try to eat as little as possible these 5 types of breakfast, doctor: easy to affect the health of the body

4. Chronic gastritis

Not eating breakfast for a long time, there may also be diseases that may lead to chronic gastritis, because not eating breakfast, stomach acid in the stomach without food digestion, it will stimulate the gastric mucosa, over time cause damage to the gastric mucosa, chronic gastritis and other diseases, affecting the function of the digestive system.

Such patients are also often accompanied by loss of appetite, hidden pain in the upper abdomen, acid reflux, nausea and other phenomena.

5. Gallstones

Long-term absence of breakfast will also affect the normal discharge of bile, a large amount of bile stored in the gallbladder, the concentration is too high to cause gallbladder stones to generate, easy to suffer from gallstones disease.

After getting up in the morning, try to eat as little as possible these 5 types of breakfast, doctor: easy to affect the health of the body

6. Obesity

After not eating breakfast, it is easy to be hungry before approaching Chinese food, and when eating Chinese food, it is often faster and faster, so it is easy to let the calorie intake exceed the standard. Usually do not eat breakfast, easy to hunger, eat more than usual lunch. Due to the fast eating and the large amount of meals, it is easy to cause excessive calorie intake and cause obesity.

When you wake up in the morning, try to eat these 5 types of breakfast as little as possible

1. Shortbread

Shortbread is a very common food in the morning stall, and there is a filling in the shortbread, which is fried in the oil pan, so its calories and fat are also very high. However, shortbread is fried food after all, and the oil in the oil pan does not know how many times it has been used repeatedly, which will produce carcinogens.

After getting up in the morning, try to eat as little as possible these 5 types of breakfast, doctor: easy to affect the health of the body

When you eat too much fried food, it will secrete strong oil and is not good for the facial skin. There is also a stomach and intestines will also be too greasy, the poop is not easy to excrete, easy to catch fire, resulting in dry mouth and dry tongue. There will also be too fat, poor appetite, indigestion.

2. Oatmeal

Many office workers, because breakfast is more nervous, most of them will choose to brew oatmeal, especially for women who lose weight, think that drinking oatmeal can increase satiety, can reduce calorie intake, and help lose weight.

After getting up in the morning, try to eat as little as possible these 5 types of breakfast, doctor: easy to affect the health of the body

But we don't know, the oats purchased in life are processed and made, and there are relatively more foods added, such as trans fatty acids, and the excessive intake of such oats will not only affect normal digestion and absorption, but also lead to obesity, which has an adverse impact on the body, so it is not recommended to eat oatmeal at breakfast.

3. Dessert

For people who like to eat desserts, breakfast will generally eat some desserts, but this diet will cause some harm to the body. Because eating dessert on an empty stomach in the morning will gradually increase the insulin in the body, making them hungry faster and affecting the normal work and life throughout the morning.

After getting up in the morning, try to eat as little as possible these 5 types of breakfast, doctor: easy to affect the health of the body

The yeast in desserts will increase for a long time, causing bloating and abdominal pain, and for a long time, you will feel discomfort in the lower abdomen, so if you want to be healthy, don't eat too much dessert in the morning.

4, do not drink coffee on an empty stomach

Some white-collar workers and leaders have a lot of work every day, so they always like to drink a cup of coffee when eating breakfast, so that people are full of energy and vitality in the morning, making themselves more energetic and efficient.

After getting up in the morning, try to eat as little as possible these 5 types of breakfast, doctor: easy to affect the health of the body

But remember not to drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking coffee on an empty stomach will lead to caffeine will be absorbed more quickly by the human body, resulting in palpitations, chest tightness, rapid heartbeat and other hyperactive manifestations caused by caffeine overdose, and it is particularly stomach-injurious.

5. Overnight meals

Many families will treat dinner as a meal, and for most families, there may be some meals left the night before, so people will store the remaining meals in the refrigerator in the principle of thrift and thrift, and usually continue to eat after heating in the morning.

After getting up in the morning, try to eat as little as possible these 5 types of breakfast, doctor: easy to affect the health of the body

However, not all foods are suitable for overnight consumption, and if stored improperly, nitrites and other viruses and bacteria are likely to occur, which may cause gastrointestinal dysfunction and even cause intestinal cramps.

Therefore, if you eat these foods regularly, it is likely to cause a greater burden to the body, resulting in abdominal distension and abdominal pain, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stool failure and other symptoms, so try not to eat overnight meals during breakfast, so as not to damage health without knowing it.