
These 4 kinds of vegetables contain parasites, no nutrition and are expensive, but some people often buy them home

author:Dr. Yan Yan said

Many people in life have developed unhealthy eating habits, which will eventually lead to an increase in the incidence of diseases, especially in recent years, the number of cancer patients has increased year by year, in fact, this has a lot to do with parasitic infections.

Especially people who have grown vegetables know that in order to make vegetables grow better, most people will spray pesticides and add fertilizers, which can provide nutrients for vegetables, but there are also safety hazards.

Fertilizers can provide a good living environment for parasites, so some green leafy vegetables will contain a large number of parasites, but most people do not know.

These 4 kinds of vegetables contain parasites, no nutrition and are expensive, but some people often buy them home


These 4 kinds of vegetables contain parasites, no nutrition and are expensive, but some people often buy them home


Some people usually like to eat lettuce, eat a special refreshing, the taste is more unique, the nutrients are more, such as dietary fiber, trace elements, vitamin C, antioxidant ingredients and so on.

Because the structure of lettuce is relatively special, so the heart of the dish will contain parasite eggs, so it should be rinsed repeatedly before eating, and it can also be blanched in boiling water for 1 to 2 minutes, which can kill some parasites.

Hollow cabbage

Hollow cabbage is particularly common in supermarkets, which has more nutrients, such as dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, etc., can beautify the face, moisturize the intestines, in addition, it also contains chlorophyll, which can inhibit the production of sulfides and reduce odors such as sweat odor and bad breath.

These 4 kinds of vegetables contain parasites, no nutrition and are expensive, but some people often buy them home

In fact, hollow cabbage also contains a large number of parasites, because its shape is relatively special, and black spots are often seen on the leaves of hollow cabbage.

Water cress

Celery is a wild plant that grows in rice paddies, rivers or places with loose soil, but the environment in these places is of particular concern.

Especially in the process of growth, celery is also easy to attach some parasite eggs, if often eaten, it is easy to cause digestive system abnormalities.

These 4 kinds of vegetables contain parasites, no nutrition and are expensive, but some people often buy them home


Cauliflower belongs to the dense growth of vegetables, the number of parasites is also relatively large, because the flowers fluffy will be exposed outside, especially it is difficult to clean, but will provide parasitic conditions for parasites.

Therefore, before eating, the cauliflower should be broken, rinsed repeatedly, and then soaked in hot water for 1 to 2 minutes, which can reduce the number of parasites and avoid affecting gastrointestinal health.


At what temperature can parasites be killed?

Some people think that high temperatures can kill bacteria and can also kill parasites, because some parasites only die when the temperature reaches above 52 ° C, and if the temperature is higher, the faster the parasite will die.

These 4 kinds of vegetables contain parasites, no nutrition and are expensive, but some people often buy them home

If creatinine appears in the mouth and the temperature exceeds 52 ° C, it can kill eggs, but not all parasites and bacteria can be killed, especially for children, if the parasites in vegetables are not cleaned, they will enter the body and affect their health.

After the parasite enters the human body, it will absorb the nutrients in the body, and it is easy to cause stomach pain, for example, some children will have roundworms in the body, so the child's body cannot grow.


Which meat foods also have parasites?

Unripe crayfish

Since entering the summer, many people especially like to eat spicy crayfish, but its growth environment is particularly harsh, if it is not fully cooked, it will cause parasitic infections, but will affect the health of the body.

These 4 kinds of vegetables contain parasites, no nutrition and are expensive, but some people often buy them home


Some people especially like to eat raw salmon in normal times, although it contains nutrients, but harmful substances are also more, especially if they are raw food, which will also have parasites, which will endanger the health of the body.

Animal offal

In life, some people also like to eat animal offal, such as pig lung, duck neck, chicken heart, etc., in fact, this is the metabolic organ of animals, but also a detoxification organ, containing a large number of toxins and cholesterol, if you usually eat it, it is not conducive to the health of the body.

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