
Milk soup, confinement wine can not induce milk, the real way to induce milk is actually 18 words

author:Pediatric Lao Guo

Yesterday, a newborn who was followed up for 42 days came to the clinic for follow-up, and the child did not gain much weight from discharge to 42 days.

Milk soup, confinement wine can not induce milk, the real way to induce milk is actually 18 words

Here's our conversation:

Me: The baby hasn't gained much weight in 42 days? Do you breastfeed or powdered milk?

Bao Mom: Breastfeeding is more, milk powder is less, but it feels like breast milk is not a lot.

Me: breast milk is not a lot, you can increase the milk powder feeding appropriately!

Bao Ma: It is not that breast milk is more nutritious, I heard that lactation soup can induce milk, is it true?

Me: Not so magical.

Bao Mom: Can you drink rice wine to induce milk during that month? The older generation says it's useful.

Me: My advice is no!

Today, make a simple answer to these questions!

First of all, can I drink rice wine to induce milk during the month?


Many places in the south have the custom of drinking confinement wine, such as rice wine (sake brewing, mash), rice wine, and rice wine, which is believed to be able to induce milk.

Milk soup, confinement wine can not induce milk, the real way to induce milk is actually 18 words

But in fact, it is resolutely forbidden to drink confinement wine in the confinement of the month.

1. Alcohol inhibits milk production and affects the health of the baby

On the one hand, long-term continuous intake of alcohol, may inhibit the secretion of oxytocin, resulting in a delayed lactation reaction, a decrease in milk; On the other hand, alcohol may also be transmitted to the baby through breast milk, which can easily cause sleep disturbances in the baby and even affect neurodevelopment. It should be noted that many confinement centers or takeaway confinement meals advertise that their soup is made of confinement soup, claiming that the soup cooked in this way can promote milk secretion, but in fact, the main ingredient of the confinement soup they mentioned is rice wine, so it is not recommended to blindly follow the trend.

2. After cooking for a long time, there are still residues of alcohol in confinement wine

Many people will also choose to use confinement wine to cook or cook soup, thinking that long-term cooking can evaporate all alcohol, and some confinement centers also promote confinement soup to eliminate alcohol. However, studies have found that even if alcohol is boiled for 1 hour, there will be about 25% to 75% of the alcohol remaining in the food, and it takes about 3 hours to boil the alcohol for almost all of it, and the daily cooking basically does not continue to boil for 3 hours. Considering that long-term continuous intake of alcohol may affect the health of the baby, it is still recommended not to use confinement wine to cook or cook soup during confinement and lactation. Drunken shrimp, drunken crab, curd milk, sausages and other foods, it is also recommended to eat less during lactation. Of course, there is generally no problem with occasionally eating to relieve hunger. Tips: Regarding the cooking wine used in cooking, there is no need to be absolutely taboo, because the amount used in general is very small, just to remove the fishy seasoning, so there is no need to worry too much.

Can lactation soup induce milk?

Not so magical

Milk soup, confinement wine can not induce milk, the real way to induce milk is actually 18 words

Milk soup, also known as milk soup. Basically, it is some milky white soup, such as pig's trotter soup, chicken soup, bone soup, crucian carp soup and so on. In fact, the reason why the thick white fish soup, broth, pig's trotter soup, and bone broth are white is due to the emulsification of fat and protein, showing a milky white. Not only does the creamy white soup contain a lot of fat and cholesterol, but the nutritional content is only about 1/10 of that of meat, and there is no divine nutritional value. Not only is the nutritional value low, but the salt and purine in the soup (Note: it becomes uric acid in the body, and too much uric acid will cause gout), and the fat content is also very high. Drinking too much is not good for the body, but it will increase the risk of high blood pressure, high uric acid, obesity and so on.

What if there is not enough milk?

Most mothers are actually capable of producing enough milk to meet the needs of their babies, but due to various problems, milk production is affected. Here are 7 tips to help moms cope with the "lack of milk" problem.

Milk soup, confinement wine can not induce milk, the real way to induce milk is actually 18 words

Increase the frequency of breastfeeding

The frequency of breastfeeding can basically be carried out according to the baby's willingness to breastfeed, that is, breastfeeding on demand. In general, newborns need to breastfeed about 8 to 12 times a day (24 hours). During the rapid growth period (usually when the baby is ten days, three weeks, six weeks, and three months old), the baby's demand for breast milk will increase and the milk will be more frequent. Increasing the frequency of breastfeeding can effectively promote milk production.

Use the correct breastfeeding posture

Choosing a breastfeeding position that makes both the baby and the mother feel comfortable helps stimulate milk production.

Avoid certain medications

Certain medications can affect milk production and should be avoided as much as possible. Therefore, if you need medication when you are sick, it is recommended to consult a doctor first, and then follow the doctor's instructions to take it, of course, you do not have to blindly stop breastfeeding because of the medication.

Try to breastfeed directly from the mother early in the lactation period

Try to avoid bottles and pacifiers early in breastfeeding to ensure that your baby can only suck on the mother's breast.

Pay attention to rest and diet

Ensure adequate sleep and rest time, drink plenty of water, maintain a nutritionally balanced diet and an optimistic attitude.

Relax, relax, relax again, give yourself confidence

If you want to chase milk, a relaxed state of mind is also very important, the more nervous the more stressful, the more will affect milk production. Do something that will make you feel better. Moreover, every time your baby successfully sucks and reduces the amount of formula after hard work, don't forget to give yourself a big thumbs up.

Support from family

Every mother who successfully chases after her milk is inseparable from the support of her family. If the family does not support, does not understand the mother's mood of wanting to chase the milk, or blows the mother's self-confidence, then the road to chasing milk that is not easy will be more difficult. Why not start with "Can the baby eat enough?" Start with "You've done a great job." Mothers want enough milk, and the following 18 words of truth are really important: suck early, feed more, be in a good mood, drink water often, sleep enough, and don't get tired.

I am a pediatric doctor Guo, sharing parenting knowledge every day to accompany the healthy growth of the baby! Like to give a note!