
What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning over time? Suggestion: Take a look at the liver that is not good

author:Talk about health

Eggs through the simplest way of cooking, you can retain its nutritional value, such as boiled eggs, add appropriate water through the water cooking can be a good way for us to taste the taste of eggs.

So if you insist on eating an egg every day, what kind of changes will occur in your body after a period of time? Is eating eggs good for the liver? Today we will take a look at this problem.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning over time? Suggestion: Take a look at the liver that is not good


The nutritional value of eggs

There are many people who evaluate eggs as the most cost-effective food on the earth, in fact, it is not unreasonable, usually if you want to say that a food is very nutritious, the main thing is the protein content and quality of the food, and eggs are fully in line with such standards.

In addition to being rich in high-quality protein, eggs also contain B vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin C, iron, calcium, magnesium and other trace elements.

In addition, the yolk of eggs is also rich in lutein, lecithin and other nutrients, which can help maintain memory and improve blood vessel health.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning over time? Suggestion: Take a look at the liver that is not good


Does eating eggs raise cholesterol levels?

Many patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are very afraid of eating eggs, because they are afraid that after eating eggs, they will increase cholesterol levels, which will easily affect their own diseases, which is actually a misunderstanding.

There is a study on the mainland that followed 28,000 patients who did not develop cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases for up to 10 years.

Finally, this study found that eating an egg a day does not increase the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, nor does it increase the risk of cardiovascular death, and eating one egg a day can reduce the risk of stroke by 9%.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning over time? Suggestion: Take a look at the liver that is not good


What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning over time? Suggestion: Take a look at the liver that is not good

Protects vision

There are egg yolks and egg whites in eggs, most of the nutrients in eggs are present in egg yolks, and egg yolks are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which can bring visual protection effects.

For people who often feel tired in the eyes after long-term use of computers, eating a boiled egg every day can effectively alleviate visual fatigue, bring about the prevention of myopia, and protect the eyes.

Supports healthy skin

Every 100 grams of eggs contains about 150 mg of iron, and eating an egg every morning can transport more oxygen to the brain, and can also effectively prevent and improve the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning over time? Suggestion: Take a look at the liver that is not good

Eggs are rich in zinc, which can build a sunscreen protection layer on the skin, which can avoid the damage of ultraviolet rays on the structure of skin cells, help maintain skin health, and also prevent excessive aging of the skin.

Promotes brain development

For teenagers, eating a boiled egg every morning can improve mental vitality and improve their learning efficiency, especially the high-quality protein in eggs can effectively promote brain development.

For the elderly, insisting on eating a boiled egg every day can supplement nutrients to the body, accelerate brain vitality, and also bring antioxidant effects, which helps prevent the problem of Alzheimer's disease.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning over time? Suggestion: Take a look at the liver that is not good

【Suggestion: liver is not good to see】

In fact, eating eggs can indeed bring about the effect of protecting the liver, because eggs are rich in protein, which can repair the damage of liver tissue.

And the egg yolk is rich in lecithin, which can promote the regeneration of liver cells, can increase the amount of plasma protein in the body, and can enhance the body's metabolic function and immune capacity, so eating eggs has a very large effect on protecting the liver.

But here we have to remind everyone that although eggs are very good, we can not eat more, otherwise it will be easy to bring the opposite effect, eating more damage to the liver is indeed very large.

The cholesterol content in eggs is high, too much consumption will easily lead to excessive cholesterol intake in the body, and cholesterol can not be used will easily increase cholesterol levels.

This will increase the burden on the liver and kidneys, cause other metabolites to accumulate in the body, and will bring certain harm to people's health, so everyone must know how to eat eggs reasonably, and eat one a day.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning over time? Suggestion: Take a look at the liver that is not good


Remind everyone: doing this will only make the egg lose nutrients

Although eggs are a food that we all eat regularly, do you really cook eggs?

1, first of all, do not boil eggs in boiling water, do not water, put eggs after opening, otherwise it will easily lead to the cracking of the eggshell, it is recommended that you put eggs in cold water, boil for 3 minutes;

2, do not cook for too long, otherwise the surface of the egg yolk will form a gray-green ferrous sulfide layer, which is not easy to be absorbed by people;

3, do not eat overnight eggs, on the one hand, it will be easy to breed bacteria, on the other hand, the nutritional value of overnight eggs has decreased a lot;

4, if you are scrambling eggs with oil, do not use high heat, otherwise it is easy to scramble the paste, it will be easy to scramble the eggs old.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning over time? Suggestion: Take a look at the liver that is not good


Although the eggs are good, try to eat as few of these 2 kinds of eggs

Hairy eggs

Mao egg is actually a kind of egg that has not been successfully hatched, simple understanding can be said to be stillborn eggs peeling off the eggshell can still see the prototype of the chick, there are many ways to eat, mostly roasted or fried.

There are many problems about hairy eggs, the most prominent problem is the problem of hygiene, many vendors are made and sold on the side of the road, not to mention unhygienic, hairy eggs will also be easily contaminated by various bacteria, such as proteus, typhoid bacteria, etc. If you are not careful, it will be easy to bring bacterial infections, and in serious cases, it will easily lead to intestinal infections.

Muddy eggs

Loose heart egg refers to the yolk, not fully cooked eggs, this egg is likely to appear parasites or salmonella, for some people with weak physique, after eating will easily bring abdominal pain and diarrhea and other problems, in serious cases even induce food poisoning.

What happens after eating a boiled egg in the morning over time? Suggestion: Take a look at the liver that is not good

Conclusion: All in all, eggs are a kind of food that cannot be disappointed, if it is a pity to put it up, it is recommended that everyone eat a boiled egg every morning to better protect their health, but it is too late, everything must know the right amount, eating an egg every day is the best state.