
What happens to people with bad liver if they eat an egg a day? Come and hear what the doctor has to say

author:Dr. Choi popular

Introduction: Chinese medicine believes that the liver and the gall are the surface, open to the eye, the liver mainly hides blood, the main drainage, has the function of storing and regulating blood, is called the general's officer, the mastermind.

"Nourishing the liver is to nourish life", the liver is the most important and largest digestive organ of the human body, and the liver has four major functions of synthesis, metabolism, secretion and detoxification.

The liver can also synthesize albumin, coagulation factors and other important substances, therefore, the liver has a very great importance to the human body, we must pay attention to protect the liver.

What happens to people with bad liver if they eat an egg a day? Come and hear what the doctor has to say

The liver has the following functions:

First: synthesis and secretion of bile, the liver is an important digestive organ of the human body, can synthesize and secrete bile, so that bile is excreted into the intestinal lumen, to help the digestion of food.

Second: the liver has a detoxification effect, toxic substances are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, after being processed in the liver, they become low-toxic and non-toxic substances, and then excreted into the intestinal lumen and excreted through the stool.

Third: the liver has metabolic function, the human body daily intake of food contains protein, fat, as well as carbohydrates, vitamins and other nutrients, these substances in the gastrointestinal tract after initial digestion, will be transferred to the liver, in the liver is decomposed, again synthesized the substances needed by the human body.

Fourth: the liver has the function of blood storage and hematopoiesis, blood can be stored in the liver, can be used by other organs if necessary, while the liver can synthesize coagulation factors, when the human body has a phenomenon of bleeding, coagulation factors can play a role in coagulation.

What happens to people with bad liver if they eat an egg a day? Come and hear what the doctor has to say

Fifth: the liver has immune function, the liver is the largest defense system of the human body, by phagocytosis, isolation, elimination of various pathogens of invasion, to ensure human health.

Sixth: the liver also has the function of regeneration, the liver is a compensatory organ, when damaged, the liver has a strong regenerative function.

As we all know, in life, eggs as a common food, rich in nutrients, research data show that eggs contain more than a dozen nutrients needed by the human body.

Some people who pay attention to hygiene and nutrition may choose to eat boiled eggs at breakfast to get enough nutrition for the body, so what are the benefits of eating eggs?

What happens to people with bad liver if they eat an egg a day? Come and hear what the doctor has to say

What happens to people with bad liver if they eat an egg a day? Come and hear what the doctor has to say

Eating eggs has certain benefits for the liver, eggs belong to high-protein, low-calorie food, which contains rich nutrients, and contains the body's need for lecithin, a variety of vitamins, sterols and other nutrients, can timely supplement the body's required nutrients.

The protein contained in eggs is like a liver repairman, which can effectively repair liver cells and promote the regeneration of liver cells for patients with certain damage to the liver.

However, the cholesterol content in eggs is relatively high, if you eat too much, it is easy to lead to cholesterol accumulation, but also easy to induce fatty liver.

Therefore, when eating eggs, we must strictly control the amount, eat 1 to 2 a day is the best way to cook, it is best to steam, do not eat fried eggs or scrambled eggs, and do not eat eggs that are not fully ripe.

Therefore, for patients with liver disease, it is possible to eat eggs, but you need to limit the amount of taking, eat 1 egg a day, if you plan to eat more, you must also remove the yolk before eating.

What happens to people with bad liver if they eat an egg a day? Come and hear what the doctor has to say

What other ways are there for the liver?

For daily health care of the liver:

First: you should maintain a normal weight, the fat in the liver will decrease along with the fat of the body, adhere to five times a week, each time about 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise.

Second: abstain from alcohol, abstinence from alcohol is currently the most effective measure to protect the liver.

Third: do not take medicine, most of the drugs are mainly metabolized by the liver, and many drugs can cause damage to liver cells.

Fourth: pay attention to sleep time, liver and gallbladder at 11 o'clock in the evening to start metabolism, this time to start the liver for self-repair, to avoid staying up late, playing games for a long time, playing mahjong, etc., must be on time to rest, go to bed early and get up early.

Fifth, the last thing is to maintain a peaceful mind.

What happens to people with bad liver if they eat an egg a day? Come and hear what the doctor has to say


Friends who drink often must pay attention to try to control the amount of alcohol they drink in normal times, after all, drinking alcohol is extremely harmful to health, if you drink too much, food alone can not protect your liver very well.

Only by controlling the amount of alcohol you drink can you protect your liver from other problems due to alcohol.