
Zhong Nanshan's health tips: the golden time of 9 in the morning

author:Gou Yu Yu

Professor Zhong Nanshan once said in a speech: Although many surveys show that human life can be long-lasting, due to various factors, most people cannot reach this age.

Zhong Nanshan's health tips: the golden time of 9 in the morning

Zhong Nanshan

There are 5 main aspects that affect the body: 15% genetics, 10% social environment, 7% natural environment, 8% medical conditions, and 60% lifestyle.

I will introduce you to some of Professor Zhong Nanshan's "Health Sutra"

"Golden 9 minutes": go to bed early and wake up early

Go to bed early:

Don't stay up late, you can go to bed before 11 o'clock.


I woke up at seven o'clock in the morning.

The next question is, what happens when you wake up at 7:00 AM? Go to the park in the morning to work out, or simply go to the shower and then have breakfast?

Zhong Nanshan's health tips: the golden time of 9 in the morning

Zhong Nanshan

In fact, we will have "golden 9 minutes" every morning, Xiaobian recommends a fitness method for everyone, practice these 9 minutes, you can prolong your life for fifteen years!

Rub hands against each other for a minute - relieve shoulder pain

Rub your fingers against your head for a minute – black hair

Massage for one minute to relieve tinnitus and dizziness

Turning your eyes for a minute is a boost to the spirits.

Press your thumb for one minute to prevent heart disease

Roll your tongue for one minute - oral care

Press for one minute to help the gastrointestinal tract

Contract the abdomen and lift the anus for one minute to allow blood to flow smoothly.

Stretch the limb for one minute to prevent cardiovascular disease

Rub for a minute to nourish the liver and see clearly

Zhong Nanshan's health tips: the golden time of 9 in the morning

Zhong Nanshan

In terms of eating, it is necessary to achieve "the emperor's breakfast, the cabinet's Chinese food, and Hanako's rice." As many health professionals say, "eat breakfast well, eat full lunch, eat less dinner".

But in real life, many white-collar workers and staff are "no breakfast, lunch meal, dinner meal". If you don't pay attention to it, you are likely to suffer from cholecystitis and stomach diseases. Don't be picky eaters, eat more vegetables.

Do not smoke, do not drink

The WHO called six bad habits: one is smoking, the other is drinking.

Smoking should be careful: smoking can cause tracheitis, emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, and eventually heart disease.

Cherish health and lose less tantrums

Half of the body is spiritual, the other part is spiritual. Therefore, people must not be prisoners of emotions, but possessors of emotions; Control your feelings and don't let your feelings dominate you.

Keep in mind that emotions are very critical to a person's body. The three "happiness" of life should always be remembered: enjoy yourself and help others.

Harmonious home

Zhong Nanshan's health tips: the golden time of 9 in the morning

Some people, every day there will be some quarrels, quarrels and quarrels. Understand that 70% of human diseases are caused by family members and 50% by family members.

Then, how to make a family harmonious, we need to start from four aspects:

First, respect for the elderly;

The second is to conduct a good education for children;

The third is to do a good job of getting along with the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law;

The fourth couple has to have feelings, which is the most important thing.

Couples should abide by the "eight mutual" "mutual respect", "mutual love", "mutual trust", "mutual comfort", "mutual encouragement", "mutual understanding".

Men should strive to do the following":

● Fish once a week; One serving of tomatoes a day;

● Drink a bowl of green tea often; A pinch of walnuts daily;

● Do not smoke much, drink one cup a day;

● One per day; Baijiu not exceeding one catty;

●Drink yogurt regularly; one banana per day;

● More smiles; More exercise.

As the backbone of the family, men's lives are more stressful, their physical condition is more "rough", and their average age is less than that of women for 2 to 3 years.

Feed on the belly, feed on the mouth, and eat for pleasure with wisdom.