
Liu Bang specializes in hardcover outfits, three genres: double burning stream, three burning streams, and one burning stream

author:Saving lives and helping injured cattle

How does the King Glory Liu Bang specialize in hardcover? Write a little experience before the experience of the service, although it has been online for a long time, but the specialization is really less people play, mainly borrowing from the previous meat knife Liu Bang playing method, s29 season Liu Bang specialization mainstream is also a double burning stream, that is, the outfit is very different. Here to discuss how Liu Bang specialized hardcover how to come out, double burning stream, three burning stream, or abandon punishment, choose to specialize in one burning stream?

Liu Bang specializes in hardcover outfits, three genres: double burning stream, three burning streams, and one burning stream

First, Liu Bang specialized in hardcover, slashing snakes and red xiao.

As the exclusive equipment of Liu Bang, there are mainly 3 points in terms of function, and the equipment function is simply said.

Liu Bang specializes in hardcover outfits, three genres: double burning stream, three burning streams, and one burning stream

1. Shield and injury-free position canceled, teleportation faster cd shorter.

The true value of the teleportation speed gained by canceling the shield and range of the Range-Free Force Field that the original teleportation brings to the teammate. The main thing is that it is too fast, the specialization brings Liu Bang two points, one is the transmission speed is fast, the transmission speed of 0.75 seconds, plus the stun flying skills cannot be interrupted, and the other is that the big move after the cooling reduction is only 26 seconds.

Liu Bang specializes in hardcover outfits, three genres: double burning stream, three burning streams, and one burning stream

Liu Bang's specialization is a secret message that ignores being caught, brainless push the tower and then teleport teammates, the second does not die Liu Bang, then Liu Bang is not dead, the game experience is excellent.

Liu Bang specializes in hardcover outfits, three genres: double burning stream, three burning streams, and one burning stream

2. There is also a transmission landing damage weakened, the major professional to compensate for a full charge after the transmission of two skills, the specialty can be directly 32, do not charge up, burst into the controller and the limit to run are good.

3. The specialization attribute comes with the same range of burning as the fire armor and the meat knife, which is also the same as the spell damage, and the passive is different, the specialized passive red inflammation, the fire armor is called karmic inflammation, the meat knife is called fire, and the three can be superimposed to trigger.

Liu Bang specializes in hardcover outfits, three genres: double burning stream, three burning streams, and one burning stream

Second, the matching route of the inscription

Before the inscription, Liu Bang was a thousand blood suit, but now you need to consider the advanced requirements of specialization need 25% cooldown, there are a lot of collocations, mainly to change the green inscription, 10 void words, the need for specialization plus ice heart, the amount of blood added to the void is not as good as a ruby to finish, the ice heart does not add blood and white is too incompatible can be directly eliminated.

10 heart eyes, you have to cool the shoes plus the ice vein, the heart eye of the law to wear with Liu Bang ice pulse is not bad, 10 pity, although the law to wear less, but you can directly start to specialize, 10 pity cooling shoes can be stacked with 25% of the demand for cooling. I use 10 Mercy.

I also want to wear the main method can be 4 hearts and eyes 6 pity, and the small spear of the ice vein can be raised in advance to raise enough attributes.

Liu Bang specializes in hardcover outfits, three genres: double burning stream, three burning streams, and one burning stream

Third, Liu Bang specializes in dressing

1) "Double Burning Stream" Yellowknife Specialization: Yellowknife + Cooling Shoes + Specialization + Fire Armor + Eternal Night + Ice Vein (Fate, Harmony, Mercy)

This specialized function and attribute effect, in fact, it is easy to think of creating a specialized fire armor meat knife of the three burning flow Liu Bang, in fact, I originally played this way, until the meat knife was revised, the attributes were discounted, and 30 layers of triggers were stacked, Liu Bang ate a few river crabs and could not stack the layers at all, in contrast, the yellow knife should be the s29 season specially made to punish the wild knife for the side road.

Liu Bang specializes in hardcover outfits, three genres: double burning stream, three burning streams, and one burning stream

The new version of the yellow knife attribute returns to health, and the stacked small yellow knife is automatically stacked according to time, which is also very poor compared to the previous version. However, Liu Bang did not have to choose, do not take the punishment to the side, the rear gun car always has to be a few more times, Liu Bang out of the yellow knife to develop is much more comfortable, so the outfit also changed the yellow knife punishment, yellow knife punishment acceleration and Liu Bang 400 movement speed long legs or good cooperation.

Specialize directly in the first big piece to do, improve the ability to clear the line support, fire armor to supplement the range of damage and material resistance, Eternal Night to replenish the magic resistance, ice pulse last piece, the big move cd in 28 seconds, replaced by blood hands can also be, cd will be 4 seconds more, according to the specific situation of the game in advance to do material resistance or magic resistance on the line.

Liu Bang specializes in hardcover outfits, three genres: double burning stream, three burning streams, and one burning stream

2) "Three Burning Streams" Meat Knife Specialization: Meat Knife + Cooling Shoes + Specialization + Ice Vein + Fire Armor + Eternal Night (Fate, Harmony, Heart Eye)

Like the three burnt flow is not impossible to play, the main meat knife, specializing in Liu Bang can not stay on the side, meat knife stacking to go to the wild, relying on the blue buff cooling to trigger the advancement of the specialty, the damage and health of the three burns is also very considerable, that is, Liu Bang brushes the wild speed is too slow, the meat knife cost performance is low.

Liu Bang specializes in hardcover outfits, three genres: double burning stream, three burning streams, and one burning stream

Before Liu Bang's way to play the wild is almost all five rows of pigs to play protection, specializing in a single row, it depends on the strength of teammates, downwind or balance of power bureau, Liu Bang three burns the wild or can play.

Liu Bang specializes in hardcover outfits, three genres: double burning stream, three burning streams, and one burning stream

3) "One Burn Stream" specialty: cooling shoes + specialization + overlord + blood hand + ice vein + eternal night (fate, reconciliation, mercy)

The last is to directly abandon the punishment, with the killing or flash to take the side road, because in theory, Liu Bang's specialized passive burning, the ability to clear the line is enough, the remaining superimposed health and health bar quality is the last word, with punishment is mainly related to the speed of development, and the s29 season yellow knife and meat knife are weakened, so the abandonment of punishment is also within the scope of consideration.

After the main does not bring fire armor, you can bleed hand + overlord, in fact, will play Liu Bang will come out of a hand overlord, because Liu Bang, whether it is a skill shield or sword qi damage, is linked to the amount of equipment health, the maximum health bonus of the blood hand shield and the magic ball attack power is also extremely cost-effective.

However, the problem facing it is still a problem of economic development, and the economic benefits achieved by punishment for Liu Bang can be compensated by the intensity of specialization.

Liu Bang specializes in hardcover outfits, three genres: double burning stream, three burning streams, and one burning stream

Fourth, specialize in Liu Bang's gameplay

Liu Bang is different from other confrontation road games, because the line is really not good, Nezha also has a level 2 strong, Liu Bang can not have a killing heart at all, otherwise he will stay on the confrontation road and will not run to assist.

The core of the game is that you can't always stay on the confrontation road, after level 4, you need to frequently use big moves to support the fight, look at the movement of the wild and auxiliary arrest, the fight has no head assist, but also to rub the economy along the way, otherwise Liu Bang can't get fat by the military line.

After the specialization comes out, the efficiency of clearing the line is very fast, mainly using the yellow knife to move between the two roads, looking at the opposite wild area, brushing a bird on the opposite side of the road, stealing a pig, but also the previous punishment of the side road of play, Liu Bang because of the full map of the big move to fly, the ability to turn the line is very strong.

Liu Bang specializes in hardcover outfits, three genres: double burning stream, three burning streams, and one burning stream

Molded specialized Liu Bang 1w4 blood, plus 2500 shields, a set of fried crispy half-tube blood, in fact, the late strength of the King Glory Tanbian is not bad, mainly the early development is too difficult, such as the previous yellow knife white, specializing in Liu Bang is very good to make up for this defect, and the core is a variety of line development, more stream-of-consciousness, not to elaborate.

Although no one plays the experience suit to specialize in Liu Bang, but I think this 0.75 seconds of transmission does not change, s29 season Liu Bang specialization is absolutely t1 strength, and meat and damage. Even if it is a headwind bureau, Liu Bang's ability to specialize in the line is also first-class, mainly to catch the undead, that is, the push tower is much slower than the secret letter, the development space is very large, and the s29 season will have a place for Liu Bang.