
What's the best parenting for the back season?

author:Panjiang Buyi thrives

What's the best parenting for the back season?

In the school season, the best education should be that parents cooperate with teachers, teachers educate students, and work together to cultivate good students.

Education is never a teacher's one-sided battle. The best education is that parents and teachers stand shoulder to shoulder, try their best to cooperate, and work together in the same direction, so that the growth of children can drive towards the forward that everyone expects.

If the child is sent to school and sent to the teacher, the parents will leave it alone, and whether or not to educate the child is the teacher's business, which is the misunderstanding of the parents' understanding of the education of the children. Not all children behave the same under the same teacher's instruction. In the end, the teacher is just preaching and teaching karma to solve puzzles.

What's the best parenting for the back season?

The only people who can really influence children's words and deeds, cultivate children's habits, and shape children's conduct can only be parents.

Chen Baosheng, former minister of education, said: "Family education is not in place, which will not only offset the effect of school education, but also have a certain negative impact on children's development." ”

Parents who do not attach importance to education will eventually raise a "bad" child who has no discipline, does not understand gratitude, and is willful and rebellious. If the child's education is not good, it is up to the teacher to carry the pot, the teacher does not carry the pot, and raising children is the responsibility of every parent. If the child has a problem, the parents can not escape the blame. As the saying goes: The teacher's "teaching" is related to the child's knowledge, and only the parent's "education" is related to the child's body, soul and soul.

What's the best parenting for the back season?

Therefore, the better the parents and teachers cooperate on the road of education, the better the children will be able to learn.

Liu Zhilian, a well-known education expert, shared this experience in "Accompanying Children through Six Years of Primary School": At that time, her daughter had just entered the fifth grade and her math scores were relatively poor. After a parent-teacher conference, she and several other parents were left by the math teacher to talk alone about how to improve their children's grades. At this time, the teacher took the initiative to make a suggestion:

Ask the parent to buy some gadgets, put them in her place, and she will "award" them to the children in her own way as a reward when the child makes progress.

Hearing this, Liu Saidlian and other parents felt particularly good, and immediately after the parent-teacher meeting, they began to do it. Within a few days, the daughter took a small thing to congratulate her, saying that she had improved and received a reward from the teacher.

After a while, she found that her daughter studied mathematics more seriously and could echo with the teacher in class. Seeing the change of her daughter, she admired the wisdom of the teacher from the heart, and also sighed:

What's the best parenting for the back season?

"Only when a child fully likes and worships the teacher can his interest in learning be enhanced and the effect of learning come out."

In the child's mind, the teacher is the object of worship, and whatever the teacher says, most of them obey.

From the above changes, it can be seen that parents communicate more with teachers and cooperate with teachers' work, and will always find that children's growth is more and more surprising.