
"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

author:Sister Peach looks at the world

Hello everyone, here is huajia food record! After the autumn, a variety of autumn fruits have been listed, when it comes to fruits, many people first think of apples and bananas, after all, "a daily apple, the doctor away from me", apples are indeed nutritious, but now is not the best time to eat apples, want to eat apples can wait for a while.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

And bananas, Hua Jie is not very recommended for everyone to eat, now the market to buy bananas are ripe, some of the skin is yellow, but the flesh inside is still hard, eat astringent, especially bad for the stomach, it is recommended that you eat less!

As the saying goes: "Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! This fruit can not be eaten randomly, especially the elderly middle-aged and elderly, otherwise it hurts the spleen and stomach, it is difficult to make up for it, so Hua Jie suggests that everyone eat less apples and bananas, eat more of the following 3 things, clear heat and moisturize the lungs, anti-autumn dryness!

1. Sydney

Sydney pear is also known as "natural mineral water", full of moisture, rich in nutrients, dry air in autumn, if you insist on eating some pears every day, you can play a role in alleviating autumn dryness, moisturizing the lungs.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

Recommended recipe: Steamed sydney pears with rock sugar

1. Prepare ingredients: sydney pear, rock sugar, red dates, goji berries

2. Sydney pear scrubs the epidermis with salt, and table salt has the effect of sterilization and disinfection.

3. Wash the clean Sydney pear, first cut off the head with a knife, dig out the middle of the pulp, put it on the plate and set aside.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

4. The excavated pulp is not wasted, and it is chopped with a knife and put into the pear cup.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

5. Add dates, goji berries, rock sugar, and water in turn.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

6. Cover and put in the steamer, bring to a boil on high heat, turn to medium heat and steam for about 15 minutes.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

7. When the time comes, turn off the heat. If the toothpick can easily pass through Sydney, it can be cooked.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

Tip: Just put 2 or 3 pieces of rock sugar, because the pear is already very sweet, and it tastes best when it is hot!

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

2. Sugarcane

Sugarcane has a "natural compound vein soup", "spleen fruit", "blood fruit" reputation, it can quench thirst, moisten the throat to dry, eat a variety of ways, in addition to chewing directly, can also be used to boil sugar water, stew soup, or roasted to eat, are very delicious.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

Recommended recipe: Lamb stew with sugar cane

1. Prepare ingredients: sugar cane, lamb chops, horseshoe, carrots, grass fruits, coriander root, ginger, garlic, curd milk

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

2. Blanch the fresh lamb chops in cold water, continue to cook for one minute after the water boils, remove the clean foam and set aside.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

3. Pour oil into the pan, stir-fry the lamb under the oil heat, and put a little rice wine to remove the fish.

4. Stir-fry the lamb chops in oil and set aside.

5. Heat the oil in another pot, add garlic cloves and ginger cubes and sauté to bring out the aroma.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

6. Then pour in the lamb and stir-fry, pour in the mashed curd milk, soy sauce, stir-fry evenly.

7. Add hot water that has not been used for ingredients, and after the water is boiled, peel off the cane, horseshoe, carrot, grass fruit, and coriander root.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

8. Cover and simmer for 40 minutes on medium-low heat.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

9. Finally sprinkle with garlic seedlings, add salt and sugar to taste, and the soup is delicious and the cane stewed lamb is ready.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

Tip: After eating the leftover soup, you can also beat the side stove after picking out the spices!

Three, lemon

Autumn health should be "less spicy and more acid", lemon is very suitable for eating in autumn, lemon is rich in vitamin C, with antibacterial, improve immunity, assist in collagen production and other effects, often drink lemonade, not only can replenish water, but also prevent colds, appetizing food, thirst.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

Recommended recipe: Lemon chicken feet

1. Prepare ingredients: lemon, chicken feet, green and red pepper, onion, coriander, pickled pepper, garlic, ginger, green onion, peppercorns

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

2. Cut off the nails of the chicken feet and cut them in half to facilitate the subsequent flavor.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

3. After washing the chicken feet, blanch the water in cold water, and put the ginger slices, green onions, peppercorns and cooking wine in turn to remove the fish.

4. Bring to a boil over high heat and reduce the heat, continue to cook for about 8 minutes, remove the cold water and wash.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

5. Boil a pot of boiling water, boil the water into the chicken feet and blanch it again, fish out and soak in cool boiling water.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

6. Cut green and red peppers into rings, shredded onions, cut off parsley, chopped pickled peppers, minced garlic and ginger, and thinly sliced lemons to remove seeds.

7. Drain the chicken feet and pour them into a bowl, and put all the side dishes into the bowl.

8. Put salt, sugar, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, peppercorns, soy sauce, cold white and stir well.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

9. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3 hours before enjoying.

Tip: My family is more able to eat spicy, so the pepper is put more, and everyone can adjust it according to their own taste.

"Eat fruit in autumn, pay attention to more"! Recommendation: Eat less apples and bananas, eat more than 3 samples, clear the heat and moisturize the lungs

Conclusion: The above 3 kinds of fruits are very suitable for eating in autumn, the recipes are also sorted out for everyone, and friends who learn to try it quickly!

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