
Angering the president of the United States, remarrying small fresh meat, how arrogant the "domineering queen" Ivana really was in her life

author:Mist Society

The legendary woman Ivana, her life can be described as arrogant to the extreme, angrily dumped the president's husband, turned her head and married a small fresh meat, and then during the Trump campaign for president, she released her previous suspicions and helped him, and she was known as the world's model ex-wife.

So what was her life like? What is the love-hate relationship between her and Trump?

Angering the president of the United States, remarrying small fresh meat, how arrogant the "domineering queen" Ivana really was in her life

Travel to many places for new experiences, and then meet new marriages in life

Ivana was born in a small country, the Czech Republic, and was born frail and was sent to an incubator for meticulous care from birth. When her father saw that she was so weak, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Ivana's father began to consciously cultivate her interest in skiing when she was two years old, and under the continuous contact later, Ivana showed excellent skiing ability and physical fitness, which made her father feel very pleased. Later, with her father's encouragement, Ivana began more formal training.

When Ivana was ten years old, her father hired a ski instructor for her. With Ivana's extraordinary love for skiing and her insistence on not being afraid of failure, she was lucky enough to enter the coveted national ski team. Although only as a substitute member, Ivana was very satisfied with the opportunity.

Angering the president of the United States, remarrying small fresh meat, how arrogant the "domineering queen" Ivana really was in her life

Later, Ivana met her first love, and the two decided to go to Canada to try a new life because they longed for Canada, a free country. Later, in order to obtain Canadian citizenship, Ivana's first love boyfriend introduced her to a man who was willing to provide Canadian citizenship, so under the conspiracy of Ivana and her boyfriend, they decided to exchange their identity for marriage.

Ivana and the Canadian man quickly married and came to live in Canada. The Canadian man did not know that Ivana married for nationality, but for the sake of the beloved woman, after three years of hard work, he successfully obtained Canadian citizenship for Ivana. At this time, Ivana had no interest in her husband's heart and quickly divorced after obtaining her citizenship.

At this time, the first love boyfriend, who has also obtained Canadian citizenship, reappeared next to Ivana, and the relationship between the two quickly warmed up, and soon the two entered the marriage hall.

But Ivana still longed for a life of freedom and adventure full of unknowns, but she was 28 years old, but she quickly joined the American modeling industry with her enviable body advantage. In order to be able to work more conveniently, Ivana chose to move to the United States and began to live in a different place.

In the face of Ivana, who often appears in public, her first love boyfriend is extremely dissatisfied, because he hopes that Ivana can teach her husband and children at home. Coupled with the fact that the two have now become a long-distance couple, it has exacerbated the contradiction between the two, and soon after the two decided to end the marriage relationship.

Later, Ivana, who was living more and more prosperous in the United States, met a rich boy who fell in love with her at first sight - Trump. This man changed Ivana's yearning for freedom.

Angering the president of the United States, remarrying small fresh meat, how arrogant the "domineering queen" Ivana really was in her life

Later, after spending time with Trump, Ivana found him to be a very controlling and attractive man. But she didn't know that Trump had been premeditated, and maintaining a superb gentlemanly demeanor had completely made Ivana fall completely. Soon Ivana was pregnant with Trump's child.

This made Trump really unexpected, although he was 31 years old, but he did not want to get married too early. However, Ivana's excellence made him think that marriage might be a good thing, so in 1977 the two quickly married.

At this time, Ivana was very happy in her heart, because she began to feel envious after she came to the United States, and the appearance of Trump made her wish to become an American come true.

Angering the president of the United States, remarrying small fresh meat, how arrogant the "domineering queen" Ivana really was in her life

The two also began a sweet married life, and At the same time, Trump's career also reached its peak, all because of Ivana's help, but who would have thought that this would also make Ivana a laughingstock for others!

Ivana, a third-married woman, fell in love with Trump and even made her a strong businessman, but suffered a marriage crisis. So what exactly did Ivana do for Trump? What will be the end of the marriage between the two?

Trying to create a career for the family, but being secretly loved by her husband

After marrying Trump, Ivana chose to end her modeling career and turned to Kennesuke. After learning about Trump's family and career, Ivana decided to help take Trump's cause to the next level. So Ivana quickly threw herself into Trump's business, and the two worked together to run the company, even working tirelessly late into the night.

Angering the president of the United States, remarrying small fresh meat, how arrogant the "domineering queen" Ivana really was in her life

In the '80s, Ivana and Trump's hard work brought them great career development. Ivana also became president of two Of Trump hotels and even received the honorary title of "Hotel Manager of the Year." In her hands, she managed as many as four hotels and buildings, all of which became one of the largest industries at that time.

Ivana, with her sensitivity and talent for business, suggested that Trump build casinos, buildings and other projects with potential development potential. Even when building a mansion in Italy, Ivana stayed there for a week to pick out the marble of the foyer. After its completion, the layout of the building made the surrounding residents praise, and even became the preferred venue for many celebrities to marry and hold events.

After that, Ivana will also visit and receive guests from other countries with Trump from time to time, co-opt business powerhouses from all over the world, and open up new territories for Trump. Under such a busy work, Ivana also gave birth to a third child, and even a few days after giving birth, she returned to work, an ability that even Trump was amazed by.

Angering the president of the United States, remarrying small fresh meat, how arrogant the "domineering queen" Ivana really was in her life

The development of these projects has brought many benefits to Trump's career, and Trump even became one of the leaders of New York's high society and business community in the 80s, becoming a real estate tycoon. With Ivana's help, Trump became one of the most influential figures in the United States, even paving the way for him to run for president.

Even Trump's daughter Ivanka has gradually become the thousandth gold in the hearts of the United States, and after that, she accompanied Trump to various occasions, and with her exquisite appearance, she advertised for her father's cause, saving Trump a lot of publicity expenses and even making a lot of money.

But the successful Trump began to move other thoughts, even if Ivana has given birth to three excellent children for him at this time, Trump will also spend time with the children and his wife, and even the relationship with Ivana is the same, but he finally did not resist the desire in his heart, betrayed Ivana, and the former beauty queen Mara secretly had a relationship, and began a long-term underground affair.

Angering the president of the United States, remarrying small fresh meat, how arrogant the "domineering queen" Ivana really was in her life

After many years of being a lover, Mala is very worried about Trump's wealth and even wants to replace Ivana. So he appeared on the wedding anniversary of Trump and Ivana, provoked Ivana in public, and said that he had a deep affection for Trump. This made Ivana very angry, and even for a long time, she became an after-dinner talk in New York and became a laughingstock.

In the face of such an embarrassing situation, Trump did not have the face to stay at the scene, directly slipped away, Ivana did not want to tear up the little three in public, so after returning home, she immediately decided to divorce Trump and ask for compensation. But Trump knows that divorce will cost him a lot of money, coupled with the fact that ivana is a good wife and career partner, naturally refuses to easily agree to divorce.

So the two began a three-year divorce lawsuit, and it has been in the attention of the people of New York and media reporters. Thanks to Trump's betrayal, Ivana's own career reached its peak.

Angering the president of the United States, remarrying small fresh meat, how arrogant the "domineering queen" Ivana really was in her life

Ivana helped Trump's career to create glory again, but was betrayed by Trump, and finally the two ended in divorce, so what new challenges will Ivana's next life have?

Decisive divorce to create a career, and then meet a new experience of love

Ivana did not want to silently accept Trump's infidelity, but directly and decisively filed for divorce. When two people divorce, they must divide the property and have a crucial prenuptial agreement. Although Trump was very prepared for the terms of the prenuptial agreement before getting married, Ivana was not a vegetarian, and naturally did not let Trump get any benefits, which was signed after full research at that time.

And in the thirteen-year marriage of the two, the provisions of the prenuptial agreement after several revisions mentioned that if the two divorced, Trump must pay a lump sum of $10 million as Ivana's compensation, or pay 350,000 yuan per year on a regular basis until Ivana's death. In addition, a mansion and three children are provided with $100,000 a year in child support.

Angering the president of the United States, remarrying small fresh meat, how arrogant the "domineering queen" Ivana really was in her life

The money isn't a very expensive loss for Trump now, and Ivana wouldn't get much of it with this prenuptial agreement alone. But Trump's derailment will be subject to legal constraints, and Ivana as a victim, naturally there are many people who support it, so that Trump can not use 10 million to send Ivana.

And during this divorce proceeding, the matter between the two of them was constantly publicized by the media newspapers, and even Ivana's father learned of this matter, coupled with the fact that his health was gradually deteriorating, and he died of a sudden heart attack. This brought great grief to Ivana, and the two prepared for their father's affairs together.

I don't know if Trump found out in conscience, and in the end Ivana got $24 million. After the divorce, Ivana was not as sad as the public guessed, and lost her fighting spirit. Instead, he began to be active in front of the public eye and also participated in entertainment programs. Later Ivana started her own business.

Angering the president of the United States, remarrying small fresh meat, how arrogant the "domineering queen" Ivana really was in her life

Ivana developed her own brand, focusing on fashion and perfume business, and participated in many shows and TV commercials to promote the brand; Ivana also used the heat of her divorce to write several books about feelings, and later when Trump ran for president, Ivana published a new book.

Public opinion has expanded Ivana's popularity, and it has invisibly promoted her books. So in the past few years, Ivana's career has developed rapidly. He even took advantage of Trump's popularity as president by inviting reporters to interview and promote the new book. This interview made the American people reacquaint themselves with Ivana, and even had a very good impression of her.

And after divorcing Trump, Ivana's career rose rapidly, and her feelings did not fall. After three years of divorce, he married an Italian businessman, and the two had a similar outlook and both liked luxury. After the two spent nearly two years of happy life, there was a marital conflict and soon separated.

Angering the president of the United States, remarrying small fresh meat, how arrogant the "domineering queen" Ivana really was in her life

After that, Ivana did not lose interest in feelings and was still full of expectations for love. At this time, Ivana was 59 years old, but her charm successfully attracted an Italian handsome man who was 23 years younger than herself, and began a sweet and happy love affair for three years, but after only 9 months of marriage, she quickly divorced.

But the two did not completely break off contact because of divorce, but often went out shopping like lovers. But unfortunately, the young boyfriend accidentally died of illness, which Made Ivana unable to accept it for a while, and then rarely appeared in the public eye until a year later, when she died unexpectedly.

Ivana's life can be said to be full of legends, just like her personality, after many things, she will still love life and achieve herself. Even Trump still praised Ivana after the divorce, impressed by her charm, and her children admired this mother who dared to love and hate, very dashing and capable. Even the American media praised Ivana's life's career and achievements, and even marveled at her marriage experience.

Angering the president of the United States, remarrying small fresh meat, how arrogant the "domineering queen" Ivana really was in her life

Ivana also became the most popular celebrity in the United States, bringing great spiritual support to American women. But I have to say that Ivana has completed all her dreams in this life, and has lived this life in the way she likes, which is difficult for many people to do, but Ivana has done it, and has made her life colorful and achieved a legendary life.

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