
Immunity is the best "doctor"! Recommendation: Eat 4 kinds of food often to improve immunity and get sick less

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Immunity is the best "doctor"! Recommendation: Eat 4 kinds of food often to improve immunity and get sick less

The epidemic has been repeated and made people helpless, in addition to wearing masks when we go out, we must also improve our own immunity so that we are not prone to infection with diseases. So how to improve immunity? We can work harder on the diet and know how to supplement protein, especially the elderly should pay more attention.

Immunity is the best "doctor"! It is recommended that both men and women often eat 4 kinds of high-protein foods to improve immunity and get sick less. Let's take a look at what are specific?

Immunity is the best "doctor"! Recommendation: Eat 4 kinds of food often to improve immunity and get sick less

1. Soybeans

Soybeans are rich in protein and calcium, and we should consume them regularly. Soybeans are divided into edamame and soybeans, each with its own way of eating, such as edamame can be made of edamame fried meat cubes, edamame scrambled eggs, etc.; Soybeans can be made into soybean stewed pig's trotters, beaten soy milk, tofu brain, etc.

Immunity is the best "doctor"! Recommendation: Eat 4 kinds of food often to improve immunity and get sick less

Recommended Recipe: Scrambled eggs with edamame

Remove the shell of the edamame, rinse and set aside. Beat the eggs into a bowl and stir, then add a little salt, red pepper crushed and stir well, do not like to eat spicy can be replaced by carrot crushed, you can also add nothing.

Add a little oil to the pan, pour in the edamame and stir-fry, sauté until the color is dark, add a little salt and a little water, mix well and simmer for five minutes.

When the time comes, dry the water, pour in a small amount of cooking oil, stir-fry a few times, and then pour in the egg mixture.

After the shape is finalized, it is stir-fried into pieces, and the scrambled eggs with edamame are ready, which is very fragrant and very delicious.

Immunity is the best "doctor"! Recommendation: Eat 4 kinds of food often to improve immunity and get sick less

Recommended Directions: Tofu brain

Take 150 grams of soybeans and wash them, add cool water to soak for one night, and if the room temperature is high, put them in the refrigerator to refrigerate and soak.

After soaking, rinse once and pour into the soy milk machine, add 1200 ml of water, point the juice function three times, pay attention not to heat.

After beating, take the gauze filter, squeeze the okara dry, pour the soy milk into the pot, and cook for five minutes on high heat.

Skim off with a spoon when there is foam, bring to a boil and reduce the heat. When the time comes, turn off the heat and let stand for a minute.

Immunity is the best "doctor"! Recommendation: Eat 4 kinds of food often to improve immunity and get sick less

Pour 3 grams of lactone into a bowl, add a small amount of warm water and stir to boil, then pour into a rice cooker, or pour into another container with good heat preservation.

Wash the soy milk from a high place into the rice cooker, pour it out, remove the foam on the surface, cover the lid, and let stand for 20 minutes.

When the time comes, the tofu brain is ready, put it out with sugar, or add marinade to eat.

Immunity is the best "doctor"! Recommendation: Eat 4 kinds of food often to improve immunity and get sick less

2. Peanuts

Peanuts have a high protein content, as well as moisturizing slippery intestines and other effects, you can eat more appropriately.

Recommended Directions: Celery mixed with peanuts

Soak the peanuts for two hours, soak them and pour them into the pot, add the right amount of water, peppercorns, star anise and bring to a boil, then add salt to taste, continue to cook on medium-low heat for about 20 minutes.

After cooking, soak and let cool. Wash and dice the celery, wash and dice the carrots, boil in boiling water and cook them, then let it cool and set aside.

Put peanuts, celery, carrots in a bowl, add salt, soy sauce, chicken essence, sesame oil and mix well, and the dish is ready.

Immunity is the best "doctor"! Recommendation: Eat 4 kinds of food often to improve immunity and get sick less

3. Pork liver

Pork liver is a high-protein ingredient, usually can be eaten appropriately, cooking porridge, soup, stir-fry are very good.

Recommended practice: Pork liver porridge

Cut the pork liver into thin slices, soak in water for half an hour, change the water to remove the blood water, until the water becomes clear and then fish out the control water.

Marinate the pork liver with cooking wine for 10 minutes. Wash the spinach, boil water in a pot and blanch it, cut into small pieces after cooling and set aside. Cut the ginger shreds and set aside.

After washing the rice, pour it into a casserole dish, add water and boil until it is thick. Then add the pork liver and cook for another 10 minutes.

When the time comes, add spinach and salt, continue to cook for five minutes, and push more to avoid the paste base, so that the pork liver porridge is ready.

Immunity is the best "doctor"! Recommendation: Eat 4 kinds of food often to improve immunity and get sick less

4. Eggs

Eggs contain high-quality protein and are easily absorbed by the body, so we should eat more eggs and be a good helper to improve immunity.

Recommended Recipe: Steamed eggs with okra

Wash the okra, boil water for a minute, cool and cut into small pieces and set aside in a bowl.

Beat the eggs into another bowl, add a little salt and whisk, pour in 1.2-1.5 times the water, stir well and skim off the foam with a spoon.

Then pour the egg mixture into a bowl filled with okra, process it and put it in a steamer and steam it in cold water.

Steam for 10 to 15 minutes, the eggs are cooked thoroughly, drizzle with a little fresh flavor, sesame oil, and this okra steamed egg is ready.

Immunity is the best "doctor"! Recommendation: Eat 4 kinds of food often to improve immunity and get sick less

The above four ingredients are rich in protein, so remember to eat! Improve immunity and less sick, make it quickly. My sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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