
How to nourish the lungs in early autumn? Remember these three treasures: Lily Sydney Pear Cordyceps

author:The popular science lecture hall was opened

Autumn has arrived, but temperatures are still high and the air is dry. Chinese medicine often emphasizes that at this time, it is advisable to nourish the yin and dryness, and the emphasis is on nourishing the lungs. The principle of lung nourishment in early autumn and the three treasures of lung nourishment are introduced.

How to nourish the lungs in early autumn? Remember these three treasures: Lily Sydney Pear Cordyceps

Lung nourishment principles

Conform to the autumn harvest and maintain the lung yin

The "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" says that "autumn and winter nourish the yin", the "yin" here should have three meanings: one refers to the autumn wind, the growth of all things has ended, and turned into the season of convergence, maturity, harvest, the whole posture is downward, inward, convergence, and downward, inward is yin; The second is that in autumn, the lungs should be yin in the five viscera; The third refers to the dry and vigorous autumn, mainly dry and lack of jin liquid, and jin liquid is a yin substance. Therefore, the most important thing for autumn health care is to pay attention to conforming to the qi of the autumn harvest and maintaining the lungs and yin without damage.

Dress appropriately so that the cold does not invade

The lungs are the qi of the human body, the main propaganda, and have the function of managing breathing. When propagating, the lung qi is emitted outwards and upwards, so that the exhaust gas in the body is discharged from the body; When descending, the lung qi descends inward and downwards, so that the fresh air from the outside world enters the body, so that one breath and one inhalation are taken in, and a gas exchange is completed. The lungs communicate with the outside world through the nose and correspond to the skin and hair of the human body. After the body is cold, the first thing that occurs is sneezing, runny nose, and even coughing, and in severe cases, it will cause pneumonia. Therefore, in autumn, we should pay attention to keeping warm and not letting the cold invade, which is also one of the ways to nourish the lungs.

Nourish the lungs three treasures

The lungs are delicate, like to be clean, and most afraid of dryness. Autumn weather is dry, moisture is easy to lose, many people feel that the mouth, nose, skin is dry, so in the diet should pay attention to nourish the yin and dry. Chinese medicine believes that the color white into the lungs, has the effect of nourishing the lungs and yin, benefiting the lungs, such as lilies, pears, wheat dong, lotus roots, lotus seeds, white fungus and so on.

How to nourish the lungs in early autumn? Remember these three treasures: Lily Sydney Pear Cordyceps

Among them, lily is the upper product of clearing the lungs and moisturizing, its sweet taste, slightly cold, into the heart, lungs meridian, has a good role in nourishing the yin and moisturizing the lungs, clearing the heart and calming the nerves, often used for insufficient lung yin, restlessness caused by dry mouth and nose, upset insomnia and so on. Sydney pear taste sweet, slightly sour, cool, into the lungs, has the effect of quenching thirst, moisturizing phlegm, and relieving alcohol.

In addition, Cordyceps sinensis is warm, sweet and fragrant, into the lungs, kidney meridians, has the effect of leveling the lungs and kidneys, can stew soup, can also make wine, brew tea.

Therefore, the three most recommended ingredients in early autumn are lilies, pears and cordyceps, that is, "three treasures of lung nourishment". Here are a few medicinal recipes for selection.

Lily lotus seeds stewed papaya

Ingredients: 5g lilies, 5 white lotus seeds, 1 papaya, white rock sugar to taste.

Preparation method: Cut the papaya open, wash the lilies, lotus seeds and rock sugar together in the papaya, add the appropriate amount of water, and steam in the steamer basket.

Effect: Nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs, it is especially effective for people with dry skin, dry mouth and tongue, and constipation.

How to nourish the lungs in early autumn? Remember these three treasures: Lily Sydney Pear Cordyceps

Lily scallop stewed sydney pear

Ingredients: Lily 5g, Chuanbei 5g, Sydney pear.

Preparation: Wash and slice the pear, and simmer it with water together with the washed lilies and scallops for about half an hour.

Efficacy: This medicinal diet focuses on moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough, and is suitable for those with insufficient lung yin, dry cough and less phlegm, and dry mouth.

Cordyceps duck soup

Ingredients: 1 duck, 5 to 10 cordyceps, ginger, salt to taste.

Preparation: Wash the old duck cut into pieces into casserole, then add cordyceps, add water and ginger to an appropriate amount, simmer over low heat until the duck is cooked, add the right amount of salt to taste.

Effect: Tonify the lungs and kidneys, suitable for people with weakness, limb weakness, self-sweating, waist and knee soreness.

Source| China Traditional Chinese Medicine News

Wen | Wang Qinghai, the Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Guangdong Province

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