
She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

author:Hibiscus willow

When chen Xiaoxu is mentioned, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is Lin Daiyu. Chen Xiaoxu, this name, is associated with Lin Daiyu.

Lin Daiyu, played by Chen Xiaoxu, is a classic artistic image. She is the Lin sister who came out of the book, satisfying all our imaginations of "Lin Sister" in the original book.

She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

Although There is Wang Wenjuan's deep popularity in the front and Tao Huimin's beauty like a flower in the back, Chen Xiaoxu's image of Lin Daiyu is unmatched.

Chen Xiaoxu liked to read "Dream of the Red Chamber" since he was a child, and his favorite character was Lin Daiyu.

She copied the poems written by Lin Daiyu in a notebook, and read them repeatedly in her spare time, and at that moment, she seemed to have entered Lin Daiyu's spiritual world.

Being able to enter the crew of 87 "Dream of the Red Chamber" and play Lin Daiyu is Chen Xiaoxu's greatest success.

She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

With the role of "Lin Daiyu", Chen Xiaoxu became popular overnight and became an idol of popular fans across the country.

In the Three Years of the Red Chamber Crew, Chen Xiaoxu met many little sisters and became friends throughout his life. Among them, Hu Zehong, who plays Jia Xichun, is Chen Xiaoxu's last friend.

Hu Zehong is outgoing, lively and cheerful, and has a big grin.

She has twice said that Chen Xiaoxu pretended, saying that when she was filming, she "pretended to be Daiyu", and after filming, she "pretended to be a big one".

She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

As a good friend of Chen Xiaoxu, why did Hu Zehong say this?

Loaded with Daiyu.

Let's start with "Loading Daiyu".

At that time, Chen Xiaoxu and Hu Zehong were both candidates for Daiyu. At the same time, Zhang Lei, Zhang Jinglin, Shen Lu, and Wang Xiaojie are also candidates for Daiyu.

She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

Hu Zehong has a good friend in the crew, called Zhu Biyun, who filmed "Rouge" at that time and was a little famous. Zhu Biyun and the wife of director Wang Fulin have a good relationship and know a lot of internal information.

She praised Hu Zehong and the director praised her at home, thinking that she had no problem playing Daiyu. Therefore, she told Hu Zehong to remember to pretend.

She also knew Hu Zehong's personality, too outgoing and too cheerful, which was very different from Daiyu. Therefore, when he was in the study class, Hu Ze's red-clad Wen Wen was quiet, very "Daiyu" style.

She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

Unfortunately, it was soon revealed.

Hu Zehong went to play in the Yuanmingyuan and met an uncle who looked kind and kind-eyed and amiable. Hu Zehong chatted with him, and when he talked, he was particularly opportunistic.

As a result, the two people chatted happily in the north of the South China Sea and the sea and the sky.

Later, Hu Zehong learned that he had no chance to play Daiyu and became Xi Chun. At this time, she learned that the uncle in the original Yuanmingyuan was director Wang Fulin.

She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

After talking with her, Wang Fulin went back and said that this girl's personality was too cheerful, and she was not like Lin Daiyu at all.

Years later, Hu Zehong was interviewed and mentioned the matter.

But the host said that if it was me at that time, I would have pretended to be like Daiyu.

Hu Zehong did not talk about herself, but talked about Chen Xiaoxu, she said: "Chen Xiaoxu is dressed like this. ”

She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

The host asked her, then why don't you pretend? So Hu Zehong told her about her chat with Wang Fulin.

Then, Hu Zehong continued: "Chen Xiaoxu's personality also has a lively side, and she is better dressed. ”

In fact, this topic has nothing to do with Chen Xiaoxu. At that time, Zhu Biyun asked Hu Zehong to dress up, and Hu Zehong did install it, but it was soon revealed.

But as Chen Xiaoxu's good friend, Hu Zehong directly introduced this question to Chen Xiaoxu, saying that Chen Xiaoxu was more successful in "pretending".

She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

But at that time, many actors felt that Chen Xiaoxu was very similar to Lin Daiyu in terms of appearance, temperament, and personality.

Deng Jie said that the first time she met Chen Xiaoxu, she was shocked by her beauty and felt that this person might play Lin Daiyu. Yuan Mei said that Chen Xiaoxu spoke softly and softly, just like Lin Daiyu.

Many years later, An Wen was interviewed, and also said that she and Lin Daiyu were not like each other at all, unlike Xiaoxu, Wen Wen was quiet, and she looked like Lin Daiyu at first glance.

She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

Even Chen Xiaoxu said that he was very lonely at that time, and when he played Lin Daiyu, he was very close to Lin Daiyu. After the performance, after all these years, it is much better than before, and it is impossible to always be like Lin Daiyu.

Pack the big one.

After filming "Dream of the Red Chamber", everyone ran to their own things, Chen Xiaoxu did not return to the Anshan Repertory Theatre, stayed in Beijing, and became a "North Drifter".

Unfortunately, perhaps Lin Daiyu acted too well, too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and then she took over the "Mei cousin", every word and deed, a smile, like a "Lin sister" who crossed to the Republic of China.

She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

Since then, no one has ever looked for her to shoot a scene. After three years of silence, Chen Xiaoxu left the show business circle and threw himself into the advertising industry, establishing Shibang Advertising Co., Ltd., serving as chairman and thriving in his career.

After filming "Dream of the Red Chamber", Hu Zehong returned to the Beijing Hongqi Yue Opera Troupe, then started his own business, opened a restaurant, and then, as an advertising company, his career development was also very smooth.

In the same Beijing, the two have a deep relationship, never broke off contact, under normal circumstances, meet once a month, talk about the world, relax.

She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

In particular, in 2003, the "Art Life" program group held a 20-year reunion of the 87 Red Chamber crew, invited the cast and crew who were in front of and behind the stage that year, and held a big meeting.

Since then, the actors of the Red Chamber crew have a long-lasting relationship and often get together for a small gathering.

Whenever someone proposes a party, they will respond.

Once, several actors from the Red Chamber met to go to Zhou Ling's company.

After eating, Li Yaozong said that there is a Malaysian Red Fan Society that wants to meet the actors of the Red Chamber at the China Hotel, and hopes that everyone will go together.

Chen Xiaoxu didn't want to go, so he said to Hu Zehong, "I'm not going, you go." ”

Hu Zehong was not happy, she always had sharp teeth, and Chen Xiaoxu had a good relationship, and said without any obstacles: "What a big deal you pretend, "Dream of the Red Chamber" has been filmed for so many years. It's rare for brothers and sisters to get together once, and you still don't go. ”

She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

Chen Xiaoxu heard Hu Zehong say this, smiled, did not continue to insist, and went with them.

When he went there, Chen Xiaoxu just sat quietly and stayed for only a while before he was picked up by his family.

Later, Hu Zehong heard the news of Chen Xiaoxu's death, and at this time, she learned that it turned out that chen Xiaoxu was already terminally ill that time, and she was very tired and did not want to participate in any more activities.

But in the face of her friends' accusations, she did not defend or get angry, but endured the pain and fulfilled the fans.

Alone, wronged yourself.

She said that Chen Xiaoxu was "pretended", "pretending to be Daiyu" when filming, and "pretending to be a big take" after filming.

In "Dream of the Red Chamber", Lin Daiyu is the soul character, and in the Red Chamber crew, Chen Xiaoxu is the central character. She is ice-smart, eccentric, talented, and has become good friends with many actors.

When she was sick, she didn't tell anyone that she didn't want others to worry about herself or burden others.

After Chen Xiaoxu, there was no lin daiyu. There is more Chen Xiaoxu in the heavens, there is no more Lin Daiyu in the world, may there be no pain in heaven.

Miss Chen Xiaoxu.

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