
Former UMC Dongzuo wants to make the island "all soldiers", can the 3 million black bear warriors achieve things?

author:Li Jiannan Taiwan

Recently, the most discussed person on the island is the former UMC Director Cao Xingcheng.

Former UMC Dongzuo wants to make the island "all soldiers", can the 3 million black bear warriors achieve things?

On August 5, during the People's Liberation Army's exercise around Taiwan, he threatened to donate 100 million US dollars (about NT$3 billion) to the "Taiwan army" to help strengthen the education of the "Taiwan army".

Former UMC Dongzuo wants to make the island "all soldiers", can the 3 million black bear warriors achieve things?

Since Cao Xingcheng only mentioned the amount at the moment, but did not explain the usage, and according to the laws of the Taiwan region, private funds cannot be directly transferred to the "Taiwan Army", So Cao Xingcheng added to the press conference on September 1 that he used his funds.

He said at a press conference that NT$600 million was spent on civilian defense training, and that 3 million civilian warriors (known as black bear warriors) who actively assisted regional defense would be trained in 3 years.

Among them, NT$400 million is to train more than 300,000 civilian sharpshooters (called Baoxiang Divine Archery).

These two plans are aimed at making the "whole people on the island a soldier" and the basis for "resisting China and defending Taiwan."

Former UMC Dongzuo wants to make the island "all soldiers", can the 3 million black bear warriors achieve things?

At first glance, it sounds quite enthusiastic, and it is also very serious, especially for some "Taiwan independence" elements, this is the first time that someone has really put forward a specific "plan." After all, whether politicians shouted "Taiwan independence" or "resisting China and defending Taiwan," it was only a slogan after all, and no one has ever specifically said what to use to "resist China and defend Taiwan."

And politicians once said that the most planned statement is probably Su Zhenchang's "one soldier and one pawn" and "confrontation with a broomstick", which is such a slang statement.

According to a poll conducted in May by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation on "Whether the Tsai authorities are fully prepared (including military and non-military) in the event of a cross-strait conflict," more than 50 percent of the Taiwanese people believe that the Tsai authorities are not prepared.

Therefore, this "anti-China" pie depicted by Cao Dong is still very attractive to "Taiwan independence." At least it gives them a "direction".

In particular, this plan, named after the unique animal "black bear" in Taiwan, is a special emotion for the people on the island, and it also makes many "Taiwan independence" want to rub the heat of Cao Dong and present themselves as "black bear warriors" in various political programs.

Former UMC Dongzuo wants to make the island "all soldiers", can the 3 million black bear warriors achieve things?

But although the pie is fragrant, it must also be in line with reality to be implemented, and Cao Dong's plan must first face that there is not enough money.

NT$600 million raised 3 million militiamen, representing that the training cost of each person is NT$200 (about 45 yuan), which in Taipei at most eat two box lunches will be gone, how to implement it? Gather people, assemble in the morning, train until dinner, and then become a "black bear warrior"? I'm afraid that most people won't come to this training for two box lunches.

And 400 million to raise 300,000 sharpshooters is even more absurd, the average person 1333 New Taiwan dollars (about 296 yuan), not to mention the price of the gun itself, to the "Taiwan Army" mainstream use of T91 combat rifle bullet price, with the United States import price is about 6.1 yuan per round of New Taiwan dollars, even if how full, each person to fire 300 rounds of bullets is probably overspent, after 300 rounds of rifle bullets want to become a sharpshooter, I am afraid that it is also a bit of a bit of a natural.

Former UMC Dongzuo wants to make the island "all soldiers", can the 3 million black bear warriors achieve things?

Moreover, the price, maintenance, and wear and tear of the gun itself have not been calculated, so how to raise 300,000 sharpshooters?

The second problem that Cao Dong had to face was the problem of the source of soldiers.

Considering that the militia is also a soldier, the age can not be too old, according to the civil affairs unit statistics Of Taiwan's 20 to 40-year-old population is about 6.4 million, this is still a total of men and women, if only men are counted, then 3 million militia is almost 90% of more than 90% of men aged 20 to 40 years old to participate in this militia plan, even if men and women are collected, it is also half of the young and middle-aged population in the entire Taiwan region.

Let half of the island's young and middle-aged population conduct military training, and how far will the island's industry stop working?

The third issue is the effectiveness of training.

How to concentrate personnel, how to effectively train, how to stimulate morale, Cao Dong probably will not consider it, right?

If nothing else, the current basic training of the "Taiwan army" and the system of "calling" when they return to the camp regularly (those who have been selected to return to the camp to re-conduct military training) have often been criticized by the people as wasting everyone's lives. If the "Taiwan army" is still in charge of training, is it not just a waste of time for more people to work together?

It might be useful if the Americans provided the training, but that comes back to the first problem: not enough money!

Although Cao Xingcheng's plan is unrealistic, it still has a certain degree of reference in strategy and is in line with the interests of the United States.

Suppose there is a conflict between the two sides of the strait, and there are really 3 million black bear warriors and 300,000 home-protecting shooters, after entering the alley, it can indeed delay the progress of the People's Liberation Army to the greatest extent, and the United States will condemn China in public opinion war, confiscate China's foreign exchange reserves, and then freeze the foreign exchange reserves in the Taiwan region on the pretext of protecting the Taiwan region, so that the United States effortlessly allows China to consume its strength and "legally" get trillions of dollars.

Of course, at this stage, the island's population, funds, and Cao Xingcheng's pie are impossible to achieve. Cao Xingcheng's own two sons are also in the United States, and if the two sides of the strait really start fighting, Cao Xingcheng will probably be one of the first important people to flee to the United States.

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