
As a child, he worked as a handyman in a tobacco factory, and now he is a Filipino tobacco king who works in a helicopter

author:In Filipino

Many Filipinos joke that 70% of their domestic money is earned by Chinese. The reason why I say this is that there are too many rich luxury merchants in the Philippines. Often every year, the top ten of the rich list will be won by Chinese businessmen for the next half of the seats.

Most of these Chinese businessmen moved to the Philippines with their parents, relying on their own efforts, gradually from poor and white to rich. Chen Yongzhi is one of them, as a child, he ran around to survive, but now he has become the tobacco king of the Philippines, commuting to work by helicopter.

As a child, he worked as a handyman in a tobacco factory, and now he is a Filipino tobacco king who works in a helicopter

Philippine Tobacco King: Chen Yongzhi

In 1934, Chen Yongzhi was born in Jinjiang, Fujian Province. At that time, many people in China would choose to "go to Nanyang" in order to support their families. When Chen Yongzhi was four years old, his father also had the idea of going abroad to do business, so he followed his family to the Philippines at a young age.

When he was nine years old, his father suddenly fell seriously ill, and the family lost its original pillar. Chen Yongzhi's family, which had completely lost their financial resources, had no choice but to return to China. Then two years later, there was famine in the country. In order to survive, he followed his uncle back to the Philippines to work as a handyman in a tobacco factory. The young Chen Yongzhi was assigned the dirtiest and most tiring work, and there was almost no time to rest. Whether it is the boss or a colleague, he will bully him because of his young age.

As a child, he worked as a handyman in a tobacco factory, and now he is a Filipino tobacco king who works in a helicopter

Although people are poor, they are not poor. Chen Yongzhi worked part-time and self-taught, and was finally successfully admitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Far Eastern University of the Philippines. During college, he insisted on working part-time and studying half-time, and eventually successfully graduated. After graduation, he was promoted from an ordinary miscellaneous servant to a tobacco master.

After accumulating a lot of experience working in a tobacco factory, Chen Yongzhi chose to resign after a few years and decided to start his own business. Whether it was the flour mill or the trading company at that time, he tried it again and again, and eventually accumulated a certain amount of wealth. At this time, he decided to start with the tobacco industry he was most familiar with and open a tobacco factory.

As a child, he worked as a handyman in a tobacco factory, and now he is a Filipino tobacco king who works in a helicopter

The tobacco business is bigger and stronger

In 1965, Chen Yongzhi's Fukukawa Tobacco Factory was established in a warehouse in Manila, Philippines. At that time, due to insufficient funds, the tobacco factory even purchased the equipment second-hand. But with Chen Yongzhi's unique vision, the tobacco factory decided to increase investment in the production of mid-range cigarettes. With the launch of new products, a hit hit the Philippine market, Chen Yongzhi's tobacco factory made a lot of money.

However, in 1968, a major typhoon struck Chen Yongzhi's tobacco factory equipment almost completely. Although the loss was heavy, Chen Yongzhi was determined to eliminate the original second-hand equipment and buy the most advanced tobacco production line and cigarette machine at that time.

As a child, he worked as a handyman in a tobacco factory, and now he is a Filipino tobacco king who works in a helicopter

The new machine was put into production, so that the quality of Chen Yongzhi tobacco became better. Chen Yongzhi used these proceeds to acquire a large number of cigarette factories, occupying 70% of the tobacco market share in the Philippines. The Fukukawa Tobacco Factory changed from a small tobacco factory with no name to a large factory, and Chen Yongzhi also transformed from a no-name pawn into a tobacco king. His business vision also shifted from tobacco to beer, banking, aquaculture, etc., all of which were successful. Business is too busy due to too many industries. In order to make it easier to commute to work, Chen Yongzhi directly purchased a helicopter in a big way.

After his success, Chen Yongzhi still did not forget to give back to the society and the motherland, and built roads and schools in poor areas of the country, hoping that children in poor areas of the country would no longer suffer from his childhood.

As a child, he worked as a handyman in a tobacco factory, and now he is a Filipino tobacco king who works in a helicopter

Although he is now the tobacco king, the various hardships on the road to growth are probably only known by Chen Yongzhi himself. To become a tobacco king step by step, in addition to the free ride of the Philippine industry's development, more or less rely on Chen Yongzhi's own hard-working and never give up spirit. I don't know the friends in front of the screen, do you want to know the story of which Filipino celebrity? You may wish to share their names with the editor in the comment area below.

As a child, he worked as a handyman in a tobacco factory, and now he is a Filipino tobacco king who works in a helicopter

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Note: This article is an original work in Fei YanFei, unauthorized reproduction is strictly prohibited

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