
Senior Indian officials complained about Modi: they all blamed him for engaging in some "import ban", and there were no weapons on the border recently, according to foreign media reports, some Indian officials said that because Prime Minister Modi has been promoting "weapons."

author:First military intelligence

Senior Indian officials complained about Modi: they all blamed him for engaging in some "import ban", and there were no weapons at the border

Recently, according to foreign media reports, some Indian officials said that because Prime Minister Modi has been promoting "weapons localization" and issued an "import ban", the Indian military is about to lack weapons to deal with the so-called "Pakistan and China threat" at the border.

By 2026, most of the Indian Army's single-engine helicopters will be grounded; By 2030, the Air Force may have fewer than 500 fighter jets left, enough to form fewer than 30 squadrons. The Navy is still using the few heavy torpedoes it procured 40 years ago, and plans to localize torpedoes are still far away.

Overall, Modi is "taking too big a step to the root of his thigh" and wants to achieve his goals without considering India's industrial capacity. It took 30 years to make a brilliant fighter, and 40 years to make an Arjun tank, with such strength to promote the "national defense localization", and eventually can only become a "national defense light pole commander". (bear)

Senior Indian officials complained about Modi: they all blamed him for engaging in some "import ban", and there were no weapons on the border recently, according to foreign media reports, some Indian officials said that because Prime Minister Modi has been promoting "weapons."
Senior Indian officials complained about Modi: they all blamed him for engaging in some "import ban", and there were no weapons on the border recently, according to foreign media reports, some Indian officials said that because Prime Minister Modi has been promoting "weapons."
Senior Indian officials complained about Modi: they all blamed him for engaging in some "import ban", and there were no weapons on the border recently, according to foreign media reports, some Indian officials said that because Prime Minister Modi has been promoting "weapons."

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