
Today, let's talk about a few Chinese herbal medicines suitable for daily consumption! 1, people to middle age had no choice, thermos cup soaked in goji berries. Goji berries should be the most common food supplement and are usually used to soak water to drink, though

author:TCM Rheumatology Orthopedics Xin Kai

Today, let's talk about a few Chinese herbal medicines suitable for daily consumption!

1, people to middle age had no choice, thermos cup soaked in goji berries. Goji berries should be the most common food supplement, usually used to soak water to drink, but in fact, the best effect is to eat directly, about five to twenty grams a day. Goji berries can nourish the liver and kidneys, improve the eyesight, and have a certain anti-aging effect. However, patients with problems such as inflammation, diarrhea or high blood pressure are not suitable for consumption.

2, three seven powder is also more suitable for daily use, because it itself has no toxicity, daily soaking water to drink, there is a certain prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. However, pay attention to the amount of one time should not be too much, it is best not to exceed three grams, morning and evening each soak is more suitable for human absorption.

3. Licorice can be chewed and swallowed or soaked in water to drink, which can nourish the heart and spleen, moisturize the lungs and relieve cough, clear heat and detoxify and other effects, but it is not suitable for long-term use, otherwise it may lead to edema and increased blood pressure, and even arrhythmias, muscle weakness and other problems.

4, chrysanthemums or honeysuckle soaked water, all have the effect of wind and heat, but are slightly cold, for the yang deficiency of the physique of the population is not suitable for taking, chrysanthemums are recommended to be six to ten grams per day, honeysuckle is recommended to nine to thirty grams per day.

#家庭健康守护官 #

Today, let's talk about a few Chinese herbal medicines suitable for daily consumption! 1, people to middle age had no choice, thermos cup soaked in goji berries. Goji berries should be the most common food supplement and are usually used to soak water to drink, though
Today, let's talk about a few Chinese herbal medicines suitable for daily consumption! 1, people to middle age had no choice, thermos cup soaked in goji berries. Goji berries should be the most common food supplement and are usually used to soak water to drink, though
Today, let's talk about a few Chinese herbal medicines suitable for daily consumption! 1, people to middle age had no choice, thermos cup soaked in goji berries. Goji berries should be the most common food supplement and are usually used to soak water to drink, though

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