
In order to verify how powerful the cuckoo young birds can be, a foreign man actually made a very bold attempt, at this time, he put a huge goose egg on its body and let it push hard.

author:Ah Chao said things

In order to verify how powerful the cuckoo young birds can be, a foreign man actually made a very bold attempt, at this time, he put a huge goose egg on its body and let it push hard. As a result, what he did not expect was that this directly fooled the cuckoo cubs.

You know, in nature, some cuckoo birds don't feed their children themselves. In general, they parasitize their young birds in the nests of other birds and let other birds help feed them.

And this is not nothing, what is even more infuriating is that the parasitic cuckoo young birds know from birth that no other young birds are allowed in the nest, so after they are born, they will push everything out of the nest.

They're powerful, so the man just wants to see how powerful they really are.

Of course, at first, the man did not make a big move, but first tested the water with a normal bird egg. As a result, unsurprisingly, the cuckoo cubs felt the presence of the bird's egg, immediately came to power, and easily pushed the bird's egg away.

After making sure that the cuckoo chicks are indeed very good at pushing, the man took out an egg and tried it. As a result, this time, the cuckoo cubs are a bit struggling. At this point, even if the cuckoo chicks used all their strength, the egg only shook a few times.

But even so, the man finally made a big move, directly took out the goose egg and placed it on the cuckoo's young bird and let it push. As a result, at this point, the cuckoo chicks may be completely stupid.

At this point, no matter how much force the cuckoo cubs use, the goose eggs do not move in the slightest. The cuckoo cubs tried many more times, all of which failed. In the end, the cuckoo cubs had no choice but to give up.

In order to verify how powerful the cuckoo young birds can be, a foreign man actually made a very bold attempt, at this time, he put a huge goose egg on its body and let it push hard.
In order to verify how powerful the cuckoo young birds can be, a foreign man actually made a very bold attempt, at this time, he put a huge goose egg on its body and let it push hard.
In order to verify how powerful the cuckoo young birds can be, a foreign man actually made a very bold attempt, at this time, he put a huge goose egg on its body and let it push hard.

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