
Scrambled eggs with fungus broccoli! Nutritious, deliciously low-fat! After eating for many years, I couldn't eat enough! Guys, be nice! If you don't know what to eat every day, take a look at my daily meal

author:Double one eat light

Scrambled eggs with fungus broccoli! Nutritious, deliciously low-fat! After eating for many years, I couldn't eat enough!

Guys, be nice!

If you don't know what to eat every day,

You can check out my daily food~

Scrambled eggs with fungus broccoli!


Fungus, broccoli, egg, millet spicy, minced garlic


1: Mix the sauce: 2 spoonfuls of soy sauce, 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, 1 spoonful of starch, a little salt, a little black pepper, a little paprika, stir well and set aside.

2, the fungus in advance to soak hair, broccoli tear small flowers washed, blanched for one minute to set aside.

3: Heat the oil in the pan, stir the eggs well, set and fry, and put out.

4: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, sauté the minced pesto, add the eggs, fungus, broccoli, millet spicy, pour in the sauce, stir-fry on high heat until the juice is collected.

Post-it notes:

1. Broccoli can be washed with starch or flour water.

2, scrambled eggs do not stir and crush, stir-fry slip loose into large pieces.

One by one popular science:

Fungus is usually grown on decaying wood and is a common edible mushroom. It is light brown in color and resembles a human ear. The fungus is crisp and delicious, delicious and rich in protein, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, phosphorus, carotene and other nutrients. It has the effect of tonifying blood, detoxifying, preventing cancer and preventing blood clots.

Hurry up and do it with me!

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#Headline Creation Challenge ##家常菜谱 #

Scrambled eggs with fungus broccoli! Nutritious, deliciously low-fat! After eating for many years, I couldn't eat enough! Guys, be nice! If you don't know what to eat every day, take a look at my daily meal
Scrambled eggs with fungus broccoli! Nutritious, deliciously low-fat! After eating for many years, I couldn't eat enough! Guys, be nice! If you don't know what to eat every day, take a look at my daily meal
Scrambled eggs with fungus broccoli! Nutritious, deliciously low-fat! After eating for many years, I couldn't eat enough! Guys, be nice! If you don't know what to eat every day, take a look at my daily meal
Scrambled eggs with fungus broccoli! Nutritious, deliciously low-fat! After eating for many years, I couldn't eat enough! Guys, be nice! If you don't know what to eat every day, take a look at my daily meal
Scrambled eggs with fungus broccoli! Nutritious, deliciously low-fat! After eating for many years, I couldn't eat enough! Guys, be nice! If you don't know what to eat every day, take a look at my daily meal
Scrambled eggs with fungus broccoli! Nutritious, deliciously low-fat! After eating for many years, I couldn't eat enough! Guys, be nice! If you don't know what to eat every day, take a look at my daily meal

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