
Sweet taste and romantic look, fluffy strawberry Swiss roll


Strawberry Swiss rolls have a sweet taste and romantic look, and the fluffy sponge cake is wrapped in a silky sweet cream, and each bite contains two textures and flavors, which is easy to capture people's hearts.

Sweet taste and romantic look, fluffy strawberry Swiss roll

Swiss rolls are different from other cake rolls, not easy to crack, Swiss rolls are a kind of sponge cake, in the oven the ingredients are baked into a thin cake, plus a variety of jams and cream, and chopped pulp or dried fruit rolled together into a roll, in the Swiss rolls add strawberry flavor, made into a delicious and fluffy, but also has the texture of the sea strawberry cake roll.

Sweet taste and romantic look, fluffy strawberry Swiss roll

For strawberry Swiss rolls, their appearance is indispensable, in the cake making process, you can add natural radish red pigment, and then through color toning, make it pink seductive. The delicate and soft strawberry cake, the cream on the inside is wrapped in an egg roll like snow, which is almost girly.

Sweet taste and romantic look, fluffy strawberry Swiss roll

Radish red has good heat resistance, high stability, safety and other factors in the food and other fields have been used as an important food additive or colorant. The sudranoid is a dark red amorphous powder extracted from the radish of the cruciferous family, with bright color, strong coloring power, good heat resistance and light resistance, bright red in acidic solution, stable color, and no discoloration after boiling for a long time; Color instability in alkaline solutions.

Sweet taste and romantic look, fluffy strawberry Swiss roll

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In fact, the reason why Swiss rolls can occupy a place in the list of netizens' food recommendations is because it has a wide range of flavors to choose from, not only traditional blueberries, strawberries and other fruit jam flavors, but also matcha flavored Swiss rolls.


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