
In September, the money tree is raised to be "beautiful", first to raise, and then to be beautiful, and the order is not wrong

author:Sister Rong's flower language

Out of the state of the money tree, the leaves are turquoise and shiny, with a layer of texture, shining in the sunlight. And its leaves are very similar to ancient coins, and they look so rich.

In September, the money tree is raised to be "beautiful", first to raise, and then to be beautiful, and the order is not wrong

In September, if you want to raise a "beautiful" money tree, first raise it, and then it is beautiful, so don't make a mistake. Because we raise a money tree, it is not beautiful for the sake of beauty, but first of all, we must raise the money tree strong, and it will grow healthy beauty.

So how to raise the money tree to beauty in September?

In September, the money tree is raised to be "beautiful", first to raise, and then to be beautiful, and the order is not wrong

Do not expose to the sun

Money tree is a green plant that likes sunlight, if the sunlight is too little, the money tree is easy to grow, become slender and tall, and the color of the leaves will fade into a light green, giving people the feeling of a morbid beauty. Second, it is easy to grow strong, and the leaves are not green and shiny. Therefore, to raise a money tree, you need more sunlight.

In the autumn of September, in Jinzhou, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, where Rong Jie is located, when the weather is clear, the temperature can reach more than 30 degrees. In this case, the noon sun is still relatively strong.

In September, the money tree is raised to be "beautiful", first to raise, and then to be beautiful, and the order is not wrong

If you are directly raised in the sun, the leaves of the money tree are easily sunburned, so it is necessary to properly shade at noon when the temperature is high, such as building a shade net.

Although the temperature at noon is still relatively high, the temperature in the morning and evening has dropped significantly, so it is necessary to have more sunlight at other times except noon. Generally, before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m., receive some sunlight, and there are about 3 to 4 hours of light a day.

In September, the money tree is raised to be "beautiful", first to raise, and then to be beautiful, and the order is not wrong

Prefers moist environment, does not like moist soil

The money tree prefers a humid environment, and the air is too dry to be detrimental to its growth. Therefore, during the growth period of the money tree, it is necessary to properly spray water around its leaves and pots.

In September, the sky is high and cloudy, and the air will be relatively dry, in this case, it is necessary to spray the money tree properly.

However, do not keep it in a closed place, because if the ventilation is not good, and the temperature at noon is relatively high, it is easy to have high temperature and high humidity.

In September, the money tree is raised to be "beautiful", first to raise, and then to be beautiful, and the order is not wrong

Although the money tree likes a humid environment, it does not like wet soil, which is related to the roots of the money tree. Mainly because its roots belong to the stem roots, which contain a lot of water, it is also more drought tolerant. If the soil is too wet, it is easy to rot roots.

Therefore, to water the money tree, you need to wait for the soil to dry out and then water it again, so as not to let the soil have water. In addition, the money tree likes slightly acidic water, if the local water is alkaline water, then it is necessary to add a small amount of ferrous sulfate to the water, in order to make the water slightly acidic. Otherwise, using alkaline water for watering, the money tree is prone to yellow leaves.

In September, the money tree is raised to be "beautiful", first to raise, and then to be beautiful, and the order is not wrong

Use more fertilizer with more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to ensure a smooth winter overwintering

The money tree prefers fertilizer, and when it is growing vigorously, it can use fertilizer with a balanced content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or a fertilizer that is mixed with urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate. In addition, it can also be sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate, which can make the leaves fatter, greener and brighter.

Money trees like a warm environment, the indoor temperature needs to reach more than 12 degrees in winter, and the temperature is too low to be frostbitten.

In order to ensure that the money tree can overwinter smoothly, so after the Mid-Autumn Festival, fertilizing the money tree requires the use of more fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. This allows the young branches of the money tree to grow aging at an accelerated rate. And the root system has also become stronger, which is more conducive to the smooth overwintering of the money tree.

In September, the money tree is raised to be "beautiful", first to raise, and then to be beautiful, and the order is not wrong

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, use phosphorus and potassium fertilizer for the money tree, mainly potassium dihydrogen phosphate, generally that is, use 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate once every 10 to 15 days, and use it to water the money tree.

It is easy to rain in September, and the temperature drops quickly after the rain, which is often called "an autumn rain and a cold". Once the temperature drops below 15 degrees, fertilization needs to be stopped. Prevent the temperature from being too low to cause the money tree to appear fat and burn the roots.

In September, the money tree is raised to be "beautiful", first to raise, and then to be beautiful, and the order is not wrong

Written at the end: The money tree not only means to attract wealth and treasure, but also has a strong effect on purifying the air. In addition, there is an old saying that "there are trees in the living room, and nine out of ten are rich", so many flower lovers like to raise them at home.

Raise a money tree in September, if you want to raise a sense of beauty, you first need to raise, that is, do the above 3 points, in order to make the money tree grow fat and strong, the leaves are green and bright, and it looks more wealthy.

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