
In the late 19th and early twentieth centuries, nect 9, the largest brothel near Yoshiwara, a famous red light district in the Tokyo area of Japan, was nect

author:Regulus Legend Z

In the late 19th and early twentieth centuries, the prostitutes of Nectarine NO.9, the largest brothel near Yoshiwara, a famous red light district in the Tokyo area of Japan, greeted guests outside the door.

Tokyo's Yoshihara Hanayagi Street is the largest red light district in all of Japan, and this red light district was founded in 1617 and has a long history.

There are more than 100 brothels, large and small, and the daily flow of guests is endless, and it is a gold cave for men and a burial place for prostitutes to fall and humiliate.

Almost all the prostitutes in the brothel, almost all of whom their parents sold to the brothel from the age of 7, had to undergo very strict professional training from an early age, and a small number of lucky girls became high-level or elite prostitutes or attendants.

However, it is not easy to become a high-class prostitute, most prostitutes work at the lowest level of the brothel until they are old and depressed and expelled from the brothel, and if they want to escape from the brothel when they are young, the only way is to hope that a rich man will buy her from the brothel and marry her as his wife or concubine. Another way is if she is successful enough in the brothel to buy her freedom.

Later, during the Russo-Japanese War, Japanese prostitutes were valued by the Japanese military, and prostitutes in brothels were trained to become "patriotic" prostitutes, to contribute to the Japanese war, and to become Japanese spies.

Trained Japanese prostitutes often took advantage of the russian officers' prostitutes to steal their codebooks and secretly give them to Japanese agents. After the Japanese army obtained these codebooks, they were naturally overjoyed, and if they obtained the most precious treasures, the prostitutes who had made meritorious achievements would often receive gifts.

In short, Japan has done everything in its power to use its own women, and its means are numerous and despicable.

In the late 19th and early twentieth centuries, nect 9, the largest brothel near Yoshiwara, a famous red light district in the Tokyo area of Japan, was nect
In the late 19th and early twentieth centuries, nect 9, the largest brothel near Yoshiwara, a famous red light district in the Tokyo area of Japan, was nect
In the late 19th and early twentieth centuries, nect 9, the largest brothel near Yoshiwara, a famous red light district in the Tokyo area of Japan, was nect

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