
Why do giant pandas survive so cutely? In fact, he also has a name

author:Little L explores the world

Pandas are rare animals unique to China, rare in number and difficult to reproduce, and giant pandas are called living fossils, the image is cute, and the status of giant pandas is politicized, called the witness of friendship between China and foreign people, so giant pandas are regarded as China's national treasures. Because of its panda's appearance, it looks cute and is very cute, and it quickly attracts the attention of the majority of Chinese people. However, under the gentle appearance, there are hidden pandas' unusual skills, if they live in the wild, other beasts do not dare to attack giant pandas, why is this so? This should be known for the fact that pandas were known as "iron-eating beasts" in ancient times.

Iron-eating beasts

Why do giant pandas survive so cutely? In fact, he also has a name

The term "iron-eating beast" is not a waste of time. According to ancient books, in the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, when the pandas were flooded, the number was indescribable, due to the continuous conquest, the soldiers died and injured countless, weapons fell a lot, at this time some people saw pandas appear on the battlefield often eat some of the battlefield copper, iron and other weapons, so it was passed on ten, ten to a hundred, and finally recorded and booked, named iron-eating beasts. But now people refer to pandas as "iron-eating beasts", because pandas have been eating bamboo for a long time, making their teeth sharper and sharper, and the bite force is getting larger and larger, so it is called "iron-eating beasts".

Beasts don't dare to attack giant pandas?

Why do giant pandas survive so cutely? In fact, he also has a name

At this time, many netizens have this question, since the giant panda is called "iron-eating beast", then released into the wild, is the beast not afraid to attack the giant panda? In fact, many people are now bragging about the bite force of giant pandas, which is different from the truth. The bite force of giant pandas is indeed very large, much larger than that of black bears and lazy bears. Unfortunately, the mouth is too short to bite the opponent, and the bite force cannot be played no matter how large. In addition, the panda's claws are also very short and the lethality is relatively weak. In addition, the current giant pandas have been kept in captivity and released into the wild, even if they are ambitious, but the combat effectiveness is not as good as in the past, so if the panda encounters a jackal, a golden leopard, a South China tiger and other wild animals in the wild, it can only climb trees or roll down cliffs to escape, and sometimes it will even run into the village to "eat and drink".

Today's pandas can be described as the scenery to the extreme, cute, cute, really rare, many netizens have said: when can the giant panda be able to do one hand? It doesn't matter if the distribution country of boyfriend and girlfriend is not realized, but remember, when the pandas flood, don't forget to notify me to collect it!

Why do giant pandas survive so cutely? In fact, he also has a name

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