
People over 40, but also say: is there any relationship between conjugal life and the seasons? Some people ask why the function of couple life declines in the winter. This question actually reflects the couple's life with the season

author:Dr. Smoke says healthy

People over 40, but also say: is there any relationship between conjugal life and the seasons?

 Some people ask why the function of couple life declines in the winter. This question actually reflects the relationship between conjugal life and the seasons. In the past, some people in some books and periodicals wrote articles arguing that human beings are different from animals, and their conjugal life activities do not have obvious seasonal conjugal life, the reason is that human conjugal life activities are dominated by higher nerve centers, and do not take childbearing as the main purpose, so the seasons have no impact on the function of conjugal life. The author does not agree with this statement.

Conjugal life, like other physiological functions, is subject to and influenced by the laws of seasonal climate change in nature, so human beings should adapt to this change. Couples' life activities include two elements: the requirements of conjugal life and the ability of conjugal life.

The requirements of conjugal life are required as a concrete manifestation of the psychological desire of conjugal life, on the one hand, stimulated by the atmosphere of the conjugal living environment and the stimulation of conjugal life, on the other hand, it is also supported by the conjugal life hormones secreted, that is, the conjugal life desire psychological dependence on physical activities as the basis; The ability of couples to live is more dependent on the physical support of husband and wife life.

The research of biologists confirms that human physiological activities are closely related to the sun, and the conjugal life activities of many male and conjugal animals are consistent with the increase in testicular activity hormone secretion in their bodies; The hormone secretion of the testicles is affected by the length of the day; At the same time, the length of the day has an impact on the activity of the pituitary gland.

Generally speaking, the testicles are enlarged in the spring, and the level of couple's life hormone secreted by the testicles in the blood increases, and the couple's life activities are also frequent. So is the same true for humans?

Through the measurement of some people, scientists found that their testosterone is not only controlled by the seasons, that is, the spring and autumn seasons are the peak, but also have rhythms at different times of the day, that is, the spring is the highest level around 8 o'clock in the morning; Late autumn peaks at around 2 p.m. Studies have shown that the level of couples' life activities is consistent with the level of couples' life hormones secreted by the testicles in the body, and the frequency of couples' life activities and masturbation is highest in spring and autumn. There is also a "fertility season", with spring being the peak in pregnancy rates, while the abnormal rate of births and the number of sperm dying in boys is the highest in winter.

Spring with the rise of temperature, the activity of the husband and wife life glands is more and more exuberant, the secretion of hormones in the husband and wife life of both husband and wife is increasing day by day, and the breath of spring gives people a feeling of relaxation and happiness, the flowers are red and willow green, the grass is long and warblers fly, people's whole body and mind have entered the most comfortable realm, it is easy to stimulate the passion of husband and wife life, coupled with warm touch, tender words, both sides can more smoothly reach the climax of husband and wife life, lasting a longer period of excitement of husband and wife life.

Therefore, compared with winter, the frequency of couples' lives in spring is naturally much higher. This is very beneficial for enhancing the relationship between husband and wife, maintaining proper hormone balance in the body, and maintaining a strong function of the couple's life. Moreover, it is also corresponding to the scene of vitality between heaven and earth in nature, and everything is flourishing and thriving, which is more conducive to promoting the metabolic activities of various tissues and organs of the body and enhancing its vitality.

Summer temperature is higher, yang is easy to vent, coupled with naked clothes, husband and wife life activities are more convenient, you can go with nature, do not have to forcibly suppress, but if in the hot summer, sweating, then the husband and wife are not interested in the life activities of the husband and wife, it should also be, can avoid the husband and wife life caused by sweat more damage to the yang and yin.

As the summer subsides and the autumn solstice, the weather turns cooler, the golden wind is cool, the climate is pleasant, and the husband and wife life activities will tend to be active. However, once it enters the late autumn, "blue cloud sky, yellow leaf land", when the leaves fall under the leaves of Wanmu Xiaoxiao, the cold cicadas cut into the shallow water, the yang qi begins to lurk, the husband and wife life activities should be somewhat restrained, appropriate abstinence, reduce the number of times, so that the yang in the body no longer vents too much, to prepare sufficient conditions for resisting the cold of winter.

When the harsh winter comes, the snow storms, the hundred insects dormant, and everywhere there is the image of the yang qi being closed and sealed, people should conform to nature, let the lust be buried like a buried, do not disturb the yang in the body too much, should strictly control the number of husband and wife life, and strive to make the yang sealed in the body not be invaded and leaked out.

Otherwise, indulgence will not only cause the yang in the body to be injured, but also affect the yin essence, the yin and yang two illusory bodies, not to mention "nourishing the spirit and accumulating sharpness", even if it is avoided from illness in winter, it will inevitably grow without a source in the next spring, affecting the health of the body.

Moreover, when winter comes, the level of hormone secretion in the life of the testicle couple declines, the couple's ability to live is weakened, and the number and ability of penis erections are worse than in the spring and autumn, which in itself is a measure of "self-protection" for human beings, do not panic, do not reluctantly seek trouble. Of course, it is still very beneficial to properly use some kidney supplements to fill sperm and nourish qi and nourish blood to strengthen the "winter supplement", restore the body's energy, and strengthen the function of husband and wife life.

However, despite this, Chinese medicine still advocates that it is better to live less than the life of husband and wife in winter, on the one hand, to conform to the natural state of reduced hormone secretion and decreased ability of husband and wife life, on the other hand, it is also to nourish the body and protect the hidden yang and yin essence, so that it can be used for hair growth in the next spring;

In addition, winter is not the best pregnancy season for female couples to live, and contraception should be used to prevent pregnancy in winter. #家庭健康守护官 #

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People over 40, but also say: is there any relationship between conjugal life and the seasons? Some people ask why the function of couple life declines in the winter. This question actually reflects the couple's life with the season
People over 40, but also say: is there any relationship between conjugal life and the seasons? Some people ask why the function of couple life declines in the winter. This question actually reflects the couple's life with the season
People over 40, but also say: is there any relationship between conjugal life and the seasons? Some people ask why the function of couple life declines in the winter. This question actually reflects the couple's life with the season

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