
Sea Snake: Venomous cobra

author:A wonderful tale of nature

Sea snakes are reptiles that live in the ocean, they can ride the waves in the sea, they can dive underwater, they can catch fish and shrimp, and they can have children. Modern sea snakes are not very large individuals, and they have adapted to different degrees of marine living environment.

Sea Snake: Venomous cobra

Sea snakes prefer to inhabit shallow waters around the continental shelf and islands, and are rarely seen in open seas with water depths of more than 100 meters. Some prefer to stay in muddy water on the bottom of the sand or mud, while others prefer to move in the clear water around the coral reef.

In the reproductive season of sea snakes, they often gather together to form a long snake array that stretches for tens of kilometers, which is the phenomenon of large-scale gatherings of sea snakes during the reproductive period. Fully aquatic sea snakes reproduce in a fetal manner, while sea snakes that can come ashore remain oviparous.

Sea Snake: Venomous cobra

Sea snakes also have natural predators, and sea eagles and other carnivorous seabirds eat sea snakes. Although the sea snake is fierce, it has no offensive ability to face flying seabirds and is almost completely unable to defend itself. In addition, some sharks also feed on sea snakes.

The venom of sea snakes belongs to the strongest animal venom. Hook-billed sea snake venom is twice as toxic as cobra venom and 80 times more toxic than sodium cyanide. The composition of the sea snake venom is a nerve venom similar to cobra venom, but strangely, its venom damages the body mainly to the random muscles, not the nervous system. People who are bitten can die within hours to days. Most sea snakes only injure people when they are harassed.

Sea Snake: Venomous cobra

There are about 50 species of sea snakes in the world, and they are closely related to cobras, all of which are highly venomous snakes. Most of the world's sea snakes congregate in the waters between northern Oceania and the peninsulas of South Asia.

Like terrestrial snakes, sea snakes have a high economic value, and their skins can be used to make musical instruments and handicrafts; Snake meat and snake eggs are edible and delicious; Some internal organs can be medicated.

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