
Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

author:Here's the answer

The domestication of animals was the most important step in human ancestors, and it was the domestication that gave rise to today's pets.

However, there are only so many kinds of animals domesticated by our ancestors that modern humans do not seem satisfied.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

Human pets

So today, there are a lot of strange pets.

Although uncommon pets have earned everyone's attention, are such pets really safe?

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

Pet cats receive human caresses

Crazy chimpanzees

Have you ever kept a chimpanzee as a pet? In the United States, there are people who raise chimpanzees, but often these chimpanzee families do not end well.

The chimpanzee Ratwis was the pet of a woman in the United States named Sandra, when Sandraff and her husband spent $50,000 to buy Ratwis home.

Sandra has experienced the loss of her son and her husband, and her heart is in desperate need of companionship, so she pours all her feelings into Ratvis.

She took care of Ratvis like her own child, fed him the best food possible, and fed Ratwis into a fat man weighing more than 90 kilograms.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

Chimpanzees are the closest animals to humans

Ratwis is very clever, he spent 13 years in Sandra's house, got along well with his neighbors, and even walked through the doors of neighbors' houses, which also made him a well-known "bright ape".

Sadra had a friend, Chala, who came to visit the door one day because she had seen Ratwis before, so she was not defensive about the chimpanzee.

Who knows, just as she was heading to the basement, Ratwis attacked her.

Latves's strength was so great that Chala resisted, her face and fingers were gnawed on by Latvis, and finally she ran out of the basement between attacks, got into the car and dialed 911.

When the police came, Latavis was still attacking Chala's car, and when he saw the police coming, Latves turned around and attacked the police.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

Chimpanzee personalities have a ferocious side

In the end, it took a lot of effort for the police to subdue Ratwis, and Chala was taken to the hospital, where she had been severely disfigured and her fingers had been bitten off.

Police found her finger in the basement, and the doctor operated on it and successfully picked it up.

But the horrific face of the injured face could not be recovered, and Chala had to live with a broken face for the rest of her life.

Why Ratwis attacked the Chala he knew had been a mystery that zoologists have not been able to explain.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

Chimpanzees' moods change a lot

In the United States, pet chimpanzees have been reported attacking people, and in Oregon, a chimpanzee that the family has kept for 17 years has attacked the owner's daughter, its little owner.

The reason these people raise chimpanzees is because chimpanzees are smart and have a longer lifespan, and they think it's easier to raise than a dog.

In fact, chimpanzees are the animals closest to humans, and they are very prone to breeding negative emotions.

What a man does is done by a chimpanzee, and it does not have the slightest concern or consideration of the consequences.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

Jenny Goodall of chimpanzees

Strange pets

In addition to keeping chimpanzees as pets, there are also monkeys as pets, and if it were not for the fact that gorillas and orangutans are endangered species, they are estimated to be reduced to pets.

Primates are very emotional, so they have a strong empathy, and many people feel that raising it is like raising a child.

However, emotional abundance is a double-edged sword, and it can also make primates feel hatred, disgust, and revenge.

Maybe a complaint and a reprimand from the owner will make it give birth to negative emotions.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

Monkeys who are kept as pets

In addition to primates, there are also reptiles, not the common pet turtles, but snakes, lizards, and crocodiles.

In the pet market, this type of pet is expensive, and it is also an expensive expense to feed them in the later stage.

And such temperature-changing animals, they will still sleep after the temperature is reduced, and the owner must always keep the temperature at home above 20 ° C in order to ensure their activities.

Initially, the place where this temperate animal was raised was the tropics, and later spread to temperate zones.

And some of the snakes and lizards are poisonous, but this does not stop people from raising them in the slightest.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

Lizards that are kept as pets

Raising this warmer animal is more dangerous than raising chimpanzees, because chimpanzees are primates with high IQs that can tell what their owners' actions mean.

But the temperate animal is basically emotionless, and it doesn't even know that it is the owner who feeds itself.

One day the master's action makes it feel threatened, it will directly attack the owner.

Every year, people who raise snakes are bitten by snakes, non-venomous snakes are fine, they are afraid of being poisonous, and they are directly cool without timely injection of serum.

Nowadays, the pet industry is no longer limited to vertebrates, and arthropods such as insects, spiders, and scorpions are also kept by many people.

The American cockroach, which everyone avoids, that is, the big cockroach, can also become a pet, so that many people directly call out that they do not understand the current world.

With the rise of online live broadcasting now, many people earn profits by raising strange pets to obtain traffic, and there are also many negative news about pets.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

Take a python as a pet

Not all animals are suitable as pets

Have you ever wondered why the ancestors of human beings only domesticated those animals, and the others did not domesticate, is the ancestors not want to?

I'm afraid it's not that the ancestors don't want to, it's that they also tried, but unfortunately failed.

Humans have also paid for the domestication of animals, and when the cost of domesticating an animal is greater than its benefits, the ancestors will abandon domestication of it.

Many people think that just by giving an animal something to eat, you can cultivate feelings, and then it is domesticated.

This idea is naïve, in fact, many animals are docile because they are fed, not because they are domesticated.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

Humans domesticate animals

For example, the tigers and lions raised by those local tycoons in the Middle East are fatter than the average wild individual, because they are fed very full, they cannot make it hungry, and once it is a little hungry, it is possible to eat people.

The truly domesticated animal, even if it is hungry, will not do man-eating things, and the stray dog is hungry and skinny, and it will only pray for something for human beings to eat.

If it is a hungry wolf, it will directly pounce on and bite people when it sees it.

Therefore, which animals are suitable for human breeding, which are not suitable for human breeding, the ancestors have tried for us.

Raise strange pets for a momentary hunt, but don't blame the old ancestors for not reminding them.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

Domesticated dogs

Moreover, this exotic pet hunting industry will also cause the invasion of alien species.

For example, the Brazilian red-eared turtle, scavenger, piranha, etc., which invaded the mainland, were initially introduced as ornamental animals, and for various reasons entered the wild environment, causing devastation to native species.

Many provinces drain the water from the reservoir to catch a "strange fish", which has been proved to be an alligator eel, which was also an ornamental fish at the beginning, because people released into the ecology.

The alligator eel is a ferocious carnivorous fish that eats up all the local species.

More importantly, the alligator eel can not be eaten casually, its internal organs and eggs are poisonous, if eaten by people who do not know the truth, the consequences will be tragic.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

The "strange fish" alligator eel that invaded the continent

The meaning of pets

Pets are defined to meet the spiritual needs of humans, not economic effects.

The premise of keeping a pet is safety, and this safety refers not only to the breeder, but also to the people around it.

Raising pythons, crocodiles, tigers, lions, etc. can not only ensure the safety of their owners, but also affect the people around them.

If they accidentally escape, a city is in danger. Moreover, raising this untamed animal is also a disguised encouragement for the smuggling and trafficking of wild animals.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

An eagle that is used as a pet by a local tycoon in the Middle East

Imagine where snakes, crocodiles, lizards, chimpanzees all come from, is it a farm?

No way, the animals in the feedlot are basically domesticated, and the vast majority of these uncommon pets are illegally caught in the wild.

Because it is not a formal way to come, there is no way to ensure the quarantine of pets, if there are any bacteria, viruses, then it will be directly transmitted to humans.

The average pet hospital will not prepare vaccines for these animals, and where they go to receive safety assurances.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

Animal hospitals can only provide common pet medical care

So raising them is to raise a time bomb, no accident is lucky, once the accident, basically there is no room for recovery.

Many pet keepers are holding on to the luck mentality, thinking that their animals will not have accidents, and they do not know that they are putting themselves in danger step by step.

The history of human domestication of animals is so long that it was practiced by ancestors for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years.

Why can't some animals be pets? The real chimpanzee man-eating incident says it all

Which animals can raise the ancients already tell us

There are ready-made examples not to use, why risk your life and take the chance to experiment with unverified animals alone?

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