
"What is a handsome Chinese guy with a sword eyebrow?" Some netizens asked such questions in Douban, and the comment area was simply a handsome meeting, but the most liked votes were still recognized: Gu Tianle, Qiao Zhen

author:Knife and knife talk about literature and art

"What is a handsome Chinese guy with a sword eyebrow?" Some netizens asked such questions in Douban, the comment area is simply a handsome meeting, but the most liked votes are still recognized by several: Gu Tianle, Qiao Zhenyu, Jiao Enjun, Yan Yikuan, Zhang Zhiyao, He Jiajin, Hu Ge, Chen Guanlin, Zhao Wenxuan.

I feel that the "sword eyebrow star-eyed Chinese handsome guys" in the minds of the Chinese people have not changed in the past few decades, they are all well proportioned, the three courts and five eyes are excellent enough, and they all have a temperament of "opening a hundred flowers in the snow, and blindly sprinkling themselves with wind"! #八卦手册 #

"What is a handsome Chinese guy with a sword eyebrow?" Some netizens asked such questions in Douban, and the comment area was simply a handsome meeting, but the most liked votes were still recognized: Gu Tianle, Qiao Zhen
"What is a handsome Chinese guy with a sword eyebrow?" Some netizens asked such questions in Douban, and the comment area was simply a handsome meeting, but the most liked votes were still recognized: Gu Tianle, Qiao Zhen
"What is a handsome Chinese guy with a sword eyebrow?" Some netizens asked such questions in Douban, and the comment area was simply a handsome meeting, but the most liked votes were still recognized: Gu Tianle, Qiao Zhen
"What is a handsome Chinese guy with a sword eyebrow?" Some netizens asked such questions in Douban, and the comment area was simply a handsome meeting, but the most liked votes were still recognized: Gu Tianle, Qiao Zhen
"What is a handsome Chinese guy with a sword eyebrow?" Some netizens asked such questions in Douban, and the comment area was simply a handsome meeting, but the most liked votes were still recognized: Gu Tianle, Qiao Zhen
"What is a handsome Chinese guy with a sword eyebrow?" Some netizens asked such questions in Douban, and the comment area was simply a handsome meeting, but the most liked votes were still recognized: Gu Tianle, Qiao Zhen
"What is a handsome Chinese guy with a sword eyebrow?" Some netizens asked such questions in Douban, and the comment area was simply a handsome meeting, but the most liked votes were still recognized: Gu Tianle, Qiao Zhen
"What is a handsome Chinese guy with a sword eyebrow?" Some netizens asked such questions in Douban, and the comment area was simply a handsome meeting, but the most liked votes were still recognized: Gu Tianle, Qiao Zhen
"What is a handsome Chinese guy with a sword eyebrow?" Some netizens asked such questions in Douban, and the comment area was simply a handsome meeting, but the most liked votes were still recognized: Gu Tianle, Qiao Zhen

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