
#Which stars did I chase when I was young#The earliest I chased was Lin Xinru, who liked Zhu Gege at a glance, and then I liked Lin Zhiying super much, liked it for many years, purely

author:Smile fling

#Which stars did I chase when I was young# The earliest I chased was Lin Xinru, who liked zhu ge at a glance, and later liked Lin Zhiying super much, liked it for many years, purely Yan Control. Then went to college to see Running man into the pit Hedongxun, joined Baidu Tieba as a helper, and now super like Zhao Liying, impressed by acting skills and appearance

#Which stars did I chase when I was young#The earliest I chased was Lin Xinru, who liked Zhu Gege at a glance, and then I liked Lin Zhiying super much, liked it for many years, purely
#Which stars did I chase when I was young#The earliest I chased was Lin Xinru, who liked Zhu Gege at a glance, and then I liked Lin Zhiying super much, liked it for many years, purely
#Which stars did I chase when I was young#The earliest I chased was Lin Xinru, who liked Zhu Gege at a glance, and then I liked Lin Zhiying super much, liked it for many years, purely
#Which stars did I chase when I was young#The earliest I chased was Lin Xinru, who liked Zhu Gege at a glance, and then I liked Lin Zhiying super much, liked it for many years, purely
#Which stars did I chase when I was young#The earliest I chased was Lin Xinru, who liked Zhu Gege at a glance, and then I liked Lin Zhiying super much, liked it for many years, purely

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