
The composition of the commonly used (tranquilizing stasis soup) medicine for the treatment of insomnia: huanglian, citrus shell, raw ground yellow, chai hu, Sichuan root, safflower, fried sour jujube kernel, raw oyster, raw keel, shou wu vine, acacia peel, dan

author:Zhao Xingjuan said sleep

Commonly used in the treatment of insomnia (tranquilizing stasis soup)

Drug composition: huanglian, citrus shell, raw ground yellow, chai hu, Sichuan root, safflower, fried sour jujube kernel, raw oyster, raw keel, shou wu vine, acacia peel, salvia, white peony, etc.

Each person's insomnia situation is different, so according to the specific situation of insomnia patients, it is necessary to do drug addition and subtraction treatment based on the treatment of tranquilizing stasis soup.

Liver and gallbladder fire: add gentian grass, gardenia, skullcap

Qi Deficiency: Add Prince Ginseng

Yin Deficiency: Jame dong, turtle shell

Palpitations: Camadon, Schisandra

Spleen deficiency: add whiteness, poria, yam

Application method: 1 dose per day, decoction with water, 15 days for a course of treatment, treatment of 2 courses can basically be cured.

Indications for function: activate blood stasis, clear heat and eliminate annoyance, nourish blood and calm the heart, calm and calm the nerves.

#Health Truth Detective Society##Insomnia##The Truth About 450 Million Chinese People Staying Up Late ##Rumor Zero Plan##Chinese Medicine ##中医 #

The composition of the commonly used (tranquilizing stasis soup) medicine for the treatment of insomnia: huanglian, citrus shell, raw ground yellow, chai hu, Sichuan root, safflower, fried sour jujube kernel, raw oyster, raw keel, shou wu vine, acacia peel, dan
The composition of the commonly used (tranquilizing stasis soup) medicine for the treatment of insomnia: huanglian, citrus shell, raw ground yellow, chai hu, Sichuan root, safflower, fried sour jujube kernel, raw oyster, raw keel, shou wu vine, acacia peel, dan
The composition of the commonly used (tranquilizing stasis soup) medicine for the treatment of insomnia: huanglian, citrus shell, raw ground yellow, chai hu, Sichuan root, safflower, fried sour jujube kernel, raw oyster, raw keel, shou wu vine, acacia peel, dan

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