
The reflection of the homeland of the New Guineans, which is a gene of the gods, widely distributed in the Genes of Asia, Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean, no one gene can be so widely distributed from all ethnic groups, in

author:Shanhai Xinzhu 8000

The thinking of the homeland of the New Guinean people, which is a god gene, widely distributed in the Asia, Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean, no other gene can be so widely distributed among the peoples,

There are high-frequency distributions among Han Chinese, Mongols, Italians, Armenians, Turqis, and Uzbeks, all of which were once ancient civilizations, from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf, as well as Madagascar, Java, China to Central Asia.

New Guineans are most likely the source of world civilization, the genes of the ancient Egyptian nobility, a high probability, as I said before, this is the Chinese gene, the gene of the Yellow Emperor, the K zu Huangdi, the N zu Huangdi, the O zu Dayu, the C zuyan emperor, the D zuqua father, the EJQR zudi Hongyi vein, the KNO yellow emperor a vein, their own good aftertaste.

The reflection of the homeland of the New Guineans, which is a gene of the gods, widely distributed in the Genes of Asia, Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean, no one gene can be so widely distributed from all ethnic groups, in
The reflection of the homeland of the New Guineans, which is a gene of the gods, widely distributed in the Genes of Asia, Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean, no one gene can be so widely distributed from all ethnic groups, in
The reflection of the homeland of the New Guineans, which is a gene of the gods, widely distributed in the Genes of Asia, Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean, no one gene can be so widely distributed from all ethnic groups, in
The reflection of the homeland of the New Guineans, which is a gene of the gods, widely distributed in the Genes of Asia, Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean, no one gene can be so widely distributed from all ethnic groups, in

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