
#My Daily Answer #September 3, 2022 Ant Manor ID card or a copy of id card can be lent to a friend, this practice answer: Wrong Forest Station World Chameleon Species

author:LSW trilogy

#My Daily Answer #September 3, 2022

Ant Estate

ID cards or copies of ID cards can be lent to friends for use, this practice

Answer: Wrong

Forest Inn

Which country has the most chameleon species in the world?

The answer is: Madagascar

Ant Village

Small flowers pregnant full term, stomach pain, broken membrane flow amniotic fluid, can walk to the hospital

Correct answer: No

Magical ocean

Guess what kind of marine animal is more likely to "go hungry"

Correct answer: The Great King has a foot

#My Daily Answer #September 3, 2022 Ant Manor ID card or a copy of id card can be lent to a friend, this practice answer: Wrong Forest Station World Chameleon Species
#My Daily Answer #September 3, 2022 Ant Manor ID card or a copy of id card can be lent to a friend, this practice answer: Wrong Forest Station World Chameleon Species
#My Daily Answer #September 3, 2022 Ant Manor ID card or a copy of id card can be lent to a friend, this practice answer: Wrong Forest Station World Chameleon Species
#My Daily Answer #September 3, 2022 Ant Manor ID card or a copy of id card can be lent to a friend, this practice answer: Wrong Forest Station World Chameleon Species
#My Daily Answer #September 3, 2022 Ant Manor ID card or a copy of id card can be lent to a friend, this practice answer: Wrong Forest Station World Chameleon Species

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