
The chrysanthemum is shaped like a sunflower, and its appearance is not bad. The green leaves are like paintings, and the welcome flowers are in full bloom. Famous for its chrysanthemum family, it is inlaid with gold armor. Grow up in the park and start to bloom, honor and win the love of tourists.

author:Storm 1847

Wing melon leaf chrysanthemum

Shaped like a sunflower,

The appearance is not bad.

Green leaf Fang Shu like a painting cut,

Welcome flowers bloom.

Famous chrysanthemum family,

Gold armor inlaid in the rupiah.

Grow up in the park,

Win the love of tourists.

The chrysanthemum is shaped like a sunflower, and its appearance is not bad. The green leaves are like paintings, and the welcome flowers are in full bloom. Famous for its chrysanthemum family, it is inlaid with gold armor. Grow up in the park and start to bloom, honor and win the love of tourists.
The chrysanthemum is shaped like a sunflower, and its appearance is not bad. The green leaves are like paintings, and the welcome flowers are in full bloom. Famous for its chrysanthemum family, it is inlaid with gold armor. Grow up in the park and start to bloom, honor and win the love of tourists.
The chrysanthemum is shaped like a sunflower, and its appearance is not bad. The green leaves are like paintings, and the welcome flowers are in full bloom. Famous for its chrysanthemum family, it is inlaid with gold armor. Grow up in the park and start to bloom, honor and win the love of tourists.
The chrysanthemum is shaped like a sunflower, and its appearance is not bad. The green leaves are like paintings, and the welcome flowers are in full bloom. Famous for its chrysanthemum family, it is inlaid with gold armor. Grow up in the park and start to bloom, honor and win the love of tourists.
The chrysanthemum is shaped like a sunflower, and its appearance is not bad. The green leaves are like paintings, and the welcome flowers are in full bloom. Famous for its chrysanthemum family, it is inlaid with gold armor. Grow up in the park and start to bloom, honor and win the love of tourists.
The chrysanthemum is shaped like a sunflower, and its appearance is not bad. The green leaves are like paintings, and the welcome flowers are in full bloom. Famous for its chrysanthemum family, it is inlaid with gold armor. Grow up in the park and start to bloom, honor and win the love of tourists.
The chrysanthemum is shaped like a sunflower, and its appearance is not bad. The green leaves are like paintings, and the welcome flowers are in full bloom. Famous for its chrysanthemum family, it is inlaid with gold armor. Grow up in the park and start to bloom, honor and win the love of tourists.
The chrysanthemum is shaped like a sunflower, and its appearance is not bad. The green leaves are like paintings, and the welcome flowers are in full bloom. Famous for its chrysanthemum family, it is inlaid with gold armor. Grow up in the park and start to bloom, honor and win the love of tourists.
The chrysanthemum is shaped like a sunflower, and its appearance is not bad. The green leaves are like paintings, and the welcome flowers are in full bloom. Famous for its chrysanthemum family, it is inlaid with gold armor. Grow up in the park and start to bloom, honor and win the love of tourists.

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