
The TV series "Suriname" that meets the standards of crime movies... Deceived and deceived By Zhang Li Wong Jung-min, Ha Jeong-woo, Park Hae-so, Cho Woo-jin... Early developmental slow, delicate drug, NI

author:Bunny you run

The TV series "Suriname" that meets the standards of crime movies... The tension of being deceived and being deceived

Hwang Jeong-min, Ha Jeong-woo, Park Hae-so, Cho Woo-jin... Early development is slow and delicate

Drugs, NIS, pseudo-religion... Suriname, a foreigner.

Netflix's original series "Suriname" follows the standards of crime movies, engaging audiences in a tense way.

"Suriname" tells the story of a civilian who is framed for drug use in the South American country of Suriname and receives a secret mission from the National Intelligence Agency.

Based on the true story of Jo, a South Korean drug dealer arrested in 2011, each character has a strong personality and is passed by actors Hwang Jeong-min, Ha Jeong-woo, Park Hae-so, and Cho Woo-jin.

The characters in the play cheat on each other and suspect each other, tightening the tension.

Kang In-joo (Ha Jeong-woo), a businessman who travels to Suriname, is distorted by a South Korean pastor Chun Yoo-hwan (Hwang Jeong-min) trying to use his skateboard business to transport cocas.

Rare is Chun Yoo-hwan using his followers to spread cocaine, with unparalleled power. The bizarre madness of the believers who indulge in cocaine and serve Jeon Yoo-hwan like gods adds tension to the show.

NIS's plan is for Jeon Yo-hwan to supply cocaine to South Korea through the United States. CIA agent Choi Chang-ho (Park Hae-so) disguises himself as Kang In-joo's colleague, but because of Jeon Yoo-hwan's suspicious identity, he repeatedly reveals his identity or acts in secret, raising his sense of crisis. In addition, the possibility of Jiang Rengu's betrayal is also a factor that puts niss business at risk.

Competition with other organizations that are indispensable to crime has also emerged. Yohwan Jeon, a company that distributes methamphetamine only under the influence of Yohwan Jeon, a company that distributes cocaine, adds to another sense of crisis. Jiang Renjiu, who had contacted the Chinese organization to get Chun Youhuan's attention, was threatened with death, and the IA's operation was on the verge of failure.

The biggest highlight of Suriname is the performance of the actors, who bring the characters to life.

Huang Zhengmin is like a pseudo-teacher, but he perfectly digests the viciousness of the drug lord with the feeling of an asshole, and Ha Zhengyu depicts Jiang Renjiu's strong character with his unique rugged charm.

Meanwhile, Park Hae-so, who often plays an impressive role close to the villain, naturally digests the calm and unruly NIS agents, while Yoo Yoon-seok and Cho Woo-jin support the disintegration drama as full friends. Huan's assistant. In 2000, Zhang Chen, an actor in "The Story of The Changing Dragon", also appeared as the boss of a Chinese institution, adding strength.

Suriname is the first TV series directed by Yoon Jong Bin, who directed The Duke (2018), Fight Crime (2012) and Beast Boy (2008). Originally planned as a film, the production was confirmed as an 8-part series and the composition was changed to a 6-part series.

Is it because Netflix has high hopes for blockbusters released during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday? While it is clear that this is a "well-made" work with a clear story structure, enthusiastic performances by the actors and a realistic director, it doesn't feel enough to satisfy the interest as a theater.

From Episode 1 to Episode 6, the story is centered on a grand narrative, so the freshness of each episode is somewhat lacking. While NIS's covert operations are somewhat shaky, the reversal that can explosively exacerbate tensions is also weak.

Probably because the narrative originally made as a film has been extended into the TV series, the story is introduced like a diary for about 20 minutes, until Kang In-joo goes to Suriname, and the main character of the show, Jeon Yoo-hwan, only appears in the second half of the first episode, so the initial development seems to be a bit stretched. Women frequently appear in revealing clothing without backgrounds, perhaps to reinvigorate the role of drug lords, but also to bring inconvenience.

Ha Jeong-woo and Hwang Jeong-min's performances are outstanding. However, the image of the existing work of the protagonist who cleverly breaks through the crisis and the villain who seems to be caught in the madness is reproduced unchanged, halving the charm of the character.

The civilian Jiang Renjiu, played by Ha Jeong-woo, got rid of the crisis of life and death with extraordinary agility and determination, and the passage of time is unrealistic. When he flaunted his heroic side as a National Intelligence Agency agent, it wasn't easy to find a sympathetic consensus.

It will be released on the 9th.

The TV series "Suriname" that meets the standards of crime movies... Deceived and deceived By Zhang Li Wong Jung-min, Ha Jeong-woo, Park Hae-so, Cho Woo-jin... Early developmental slow, delicate drug, NI
The TV series "Suriname" that meets the standards of crime movies... Deceived and deceived By Zhang Li Wong Jung-min, Ha Jeong-woo, Park Hae-so, Cho Woo-jin... Early developmental slow, delicate drug, NI
The TV series "Suriname" that meets the standards of crime movies... Deceived and deceived By Zhang Li Wong Jung-min, Ha Jeong-woo, Park Hae-so, Cho Woo-jin... Early developmental slow, delicate drug, NI
The TV series "Suriname" that meets the standards of crime movies... Deceived and deceived By Zhang Li Wong Jung-min, Ha Jeong-woo, Park Hae-so, Cho Woo-jin... Early developmental slow, delicate drug, NI

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