
What is it like for Asian carp to become indiscriminate in the United States? With the characteristics of being able to eat and feed well, the Asian carp successfully occupied the major rivers and lakes in the United States and became the most successful invader

author:Popular Science Little Brother Xuan

What is it like for Asian carp to become indiscriminate in the United States?

With the characteristics of being able to eat and feed well, the Asian carp has successfully occupied the major rivers and lakes in the United States and become the most successful invasive species. Because the environment is suitable for food, Asian carp can grow to more than 1 meter and 5 meters long and more than 100 pounds in American waters.

And they lay particularly high eggs, laying hundreds of thousands of eggs at a time, because there are no natural enemies, and the hatching survival rate of fish eggs is ridiculously high. Under these unique conditions, the population of Asian carp began to increase dramatically. Over the decades, Asian carp have followed the Mississippi River all the way into the waters of the Great Lakes.

Asian carp has a wide range of recipes, aquatic insects, and even the eggs of native fish, have become their delicacies, and they are also particularly edible, eating 40% of their own body weight in one meal. After the flood of Asian carp, the living space of native fish has been severely squeezed, the food has been nibbled, the eggs laid have been eaten, and for a time, the number of native fish has decreased sharply, and the surviving fish can only hide in the corner and shiver.

To address the proliferation of Asian carp, the U.S. government offered a $6 million reward to seek ways to control the carp, but to this day, no one has been able to come up with an effective solution. So the U.S. government came up with a series of brain-opening ways to control fish. At first, they poisoned the river, but instead of poisoning the able-bodied Asian carp, they dried up a lot of native fish.

Seeing that this trick does not work, the Americans began to electric fish again, because to consider the ecological environment, they can only use a lower voltage, but this leads to the Asian carp can only be corona, can not be electrocuted, and in the process of electric fish, the Americans have successfully dried a batch of local fish.

Seeing that manpower was not enough, the Americans decided to adopt biological control again, so they introduced blackfish, and as expected, the carp was not killed, the blackfish flooded again, and the flooded blackfish also ate a lot of local fish. To this day, Americans wrestle with these tenacious Asian carps.

As the most common ingredient on Chinese tables, how did Asian carp come to the United States? In the 1950s, the rapid development of American industry, a large amount of industrial wastewater was discharged into the river, which led to the deterioration of water quality and the crazy growth of aquatic plants. As a result, the United States introduced fish species such as blue carp, grass carp, silver carp, etc. from Asia to nibble on aquatic grasses to improve water quality, and these fish species were collectively called Asian carp by Americans. But what they didn't expect was that these fish were flooded.

Some people may ask, why don't Americans eat carp? The main reason is the difference in eating habits, eating meat is like a bone, how can they eat freshwater fish full of thorns. There is also the fact that freshwater fish are generally fishy, Americans have limited cooking skills, braised sweet and sour, spicy boiled sauce, and they can't do it. Combining a variety of factors, the Asian carp has become the most troublesome invasive species for Americans.

With the increasing frequency of international trade, many countries have experienced biological invasions, such as carp in the United States and rabbits in Australia, which have caused serious ecological and economic impacts on the local area. So do you know what invasive species are in China? #Popular science ##Carp##Why Americans don't eat carp ##美国为什么要整治亚洲鲤鱼 #

What is it like for Asian carp to become indiscriminate in the United States? With the characteristics of being able to eat and feed well, the Asian carp successfully occupied the major rivers and lakes in the United States and became the most successful invader
What is it like for Asian carp to become indiscriminate in the United States? With the characteristics of being able to eat and feed well, the Asian carp successfully occupied the major rivers and lakes in the United States and became the most successful invader
What is it like for Asian carp to become indiscriminate in the United States? With the characteristics of being able to eat and feed well, the Asian carp successfully occupied the major rivers and lakes in the United States and became the most successful invader
What is it like for Asian carp to become indiscriminate in the United States? With the characteristics of being able to eat and feed well, the Asian carp successfully occupied the major rivers and lakes in the United States and became the most successful invader

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