
#Headline Creation Challenge #Chickens have a habit of eating stones, which can help with digestion according to experts. But you know what? There is a bird in the desert of Saudi Arabia that eats iron nuggets. it

author:Real people

#Headline Creation Challenge #Chickens have a habit of eating stones, which can help with digestion according to experts. But you know what? There is a bird in the desert of Saudi Arabia that eats iron nuggets. Who is it? This is the biggest bird – the ostrich!

#Headline Creation Challenge #Chickens have a habit of eating stones, which can help with digestion according to experts. But you know what? There is a bird in the desert of Saudi Arabia that eats iron nuggets. it
#Headline Creation Challenge #Chickens have a habit of eating stones, which can help with digestion according to experts. But you know what? There is a bird in the desert of Saudi Arabia that eats iron nuggets. it
#Headline Creation Challenge #Chickens have a habit of eating stones, which can help with digestion according to experts. But you know what? There is a bird in the desert of Saudi Arabia that eats iron nuggets. it

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