
In september, the school season, learn six kinds of "portable nutritious meals", children take it and leave, without wasting time. [Purple rice balls] 1. Mix purple rice, glutinous rice and rice in a 1:1:1 ratio

author:Happy Little Lee food sharing

In september, the school season, learn six kinds of "portable nutritious meals", children take it and leave, without wasting time.

[Purple rice balls]

1. Mix purple rice, glutinous rice and rice in a 1:1:1 ratio. After washing, they are soaked in clean water for half an hour. It does not grow when steamed. Steam them in a rice cooker.

2. Cut the cucumber and ham intestines into long strips, fry the eggs and set aside.

3. Steam the purple rice and let it cool. Take a plastic wrap and spread the purple rice on top. Spread out and spread with a layer of salad dressings or ketchup.

4. Spread the omelette, cucumber and ham sausage, sprinkle a little meat floss and put the nuts at home. Top of it is covered with a layer of purple rice.

5. Lift the whole plastic wrap, slowly close it in the middle with your hands, knead the purple rice ball into an oval shape, and you can eat it.

[Milk twist]

1. Pour 6g of sugar-resistant yeast powder into a bowl, add 200ml of milk, stir and let stand for two minutes until the yeast is completely melted. Add about 20 grams of honey and beat two eggs into a bowl and mix well with the milk.

2. Add 50 g of sugar and 5 g of salt to 500 g of flour, stir well and set aside.

3. Pour the mixed milk and egg mixture into the flour several times and stir into a noodle shape while pouring until there is no dry flour. Then add 10 g of oil and knead by hand until the dough is smooth and non-sticky by hand.

4. Place the dough into the chef's machine and knead thoroughly. Open the low grade first, then the high grade, so that the dough comes out of the fascia. Rub the glove mask with a total of 15-20 min.

5. Leave the kneaded dough in a warm place to ferment, the dough is honeycomb-shaped.

6. Knead into dough and vent. Divide the dough into small, evenly sized portions and knead into thin strips the thickness of your little fingers. Bend the long noodles into two pieces from the middle and rub them in one direction with the palm of your right hand and the two noodles in the same direction with your left hand. Then bend the twist into two pieces and twist it into a twist.

7. Rub all the pills into twists, cover them with plastic wrap and simmer over low heat for a while. Pour oil into the pot, heat it to 50% of the oil temperature, put the boiled twist flowers into the pot, and the twist flowers will float up immediately after entering the pot. When frying, reduce the heat and turn the twist flowers over in time until the color turns brown and yellowish.

[Meat pine rice balls]

1. Steam the rice and let it cool and set aside.

2. Cut the fritters into small pieces, wash and cut the cucumber into strips equal in length as the fritters, then peel and cut the salted duck eggs into 4 cloves, tear the seaweed into small pieces, and break the potato chips for later.

3. Place plastic wrap on the table, add fist-sized rice, spread the rice on plastic wrap and press the rectangle with a spoon.

4. Sprinkle the pork floss, seaweed slices and potato chips evenly over the rice, then add the cut fritters, cucumber strips and salted duck eggs.

5. After everything is put away, pick up the side without ingredients and roll it up on the other side. Tighten the plastic wrap on both sides and wrap the rice balls like candy. When you eat, you can open the plastic wrap and eat it directly.

【Red bean sticky bean bun】

1. Soak the red beans for more than 4 hours, add the red beans and water to the rice cooker, and cook for about 40 minutes.

2. Wash the dates, cut them in half, take out the dates and chop them.

3. After the boiled red beans are fished out with a colander to control the water, add sugar and dates while hot, add glutinous rice flour in small amounts of times, and stir well.

4. Make a ball of uniform size and roll it in glutinous rice flour so that the surface is evenly glutinous rice flour.

5. Add an appropriate amount of water to the steamer, put the sticky bean bag wrapped with glutinous rice flour on the silicone oil paper and steam for about 15 minutes. The sweet and soft bean buns are ready.

[Fried rice dumplings]

1. After washing the glutinous rice, soak it in water for 1 hour in advance and steam it in a rice cooker.

2. After the glutinous rice is steamed, add 2 tablespoons of sugar while hot, and use a rolling pin to mash the glutinous rice into rice paste.

3. Find a suitable mold, coat with a layer of oil, add rice paste, and press into a rectangle with a thickness of about 1cm.

4. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour. Remove and cut into small rectangles for later.

5. Put a wide oil in the pan, the oil temperature is 60% hot, turn the heat to low, put in the cut Bazan, do not turn, there is a hard shell after turning the dough, fry until golden brown to remove the oil control.

6. Eat at home to drizzle with brown sugar juice.

【Nut sticky rice strips】

1. Sauté black sesame seeds and peanuts over low heat, respectively. After the peanuts are fried, peeled and pressed into pieces. Pit the dates and cut into chunks and set aside.

2. Pour glutinous rice flour into a bowl, add pure milk, the ratio of glutinous rice flour to milk is 1:1, stir well to form a paste.

3. Add black sesame seeds, crushed peanuts, raisins and crushed dates to the glutinous rice flour paste, add an appropriate amount of white sugar and stir well.

4. Spread the oil absorbent paper on the plate, pour in the stirred glutinous rice paste to lay flat, put it into the steamer basket, turn the heat to low and steam for about 20 minutes, steam and let it cool.

5. Remove the glutinous rice cake from the plate and cut into long strips. The cut sticky rice strips are wrapped in some minced coconut for a better taste.

#Portable# #Breakfast # #创作灵感 Worrying about what to give the baby every day, the lazy breakfast that is done in three minutes, nutritionally balanced, full of cheese aroma. #

In september, the school season, learn six kinds of "portable nutritious meals", children take it and leave, without wasting time. [Purple rice balls] 1. Mix purple rice, glutinous rice and rice in a 1:1:1 ratio
In september, the school season, learn six kinds of "portable nutritious meals", children take it and leave, without wasting time. [Purple rice balls] 1. Mix purple rice, glutinous rice and rice in a 1:1:1 ratio
In september, the school season, learn six kinds of "portable nutritious meals", children take it and leave, without wasting time. [Purple rice balls] 1. Mix purple rice, glutinous rice and rice in a 1:1:1 ratio
In september, the school season, learn six kinds of "portable nutritious meals", children take it and leave, without wasting time. [Purple rice balls] 1. Mix purple rice, glutinous rice and rice in a 1:1:1 ratio
In september, the school season, learn six kinds of "portable nutritious meals", children take it and leave, without wasting time. [Purple rice balls] 1. Mix purple rice, glutinous rice and rice in a 1:1:1 ratio
In september, the school season, learn six kinds of "portable nutritious meals", children take it and leave, without wasting time. [Purple rice balls] 1. Mix purple rice, glutinous rice and rice in a 1:1:1 ratio

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