
On the banks of the Samburu River in Africa, three lions are biting a Nile crocodile, and they thought that the lion was the dominant side, but the battle situation was unexpected. The Nile crocodile is mainly distributed in the Nile River Basin in Africa,

author:All things are spiritual

On the banks of the Samburu River in Africa, three lions are biting a Nile crocodile, and they thought that the lion was the dominant side, but the battle situation was unexpected.

The Nile crocodile is mainly distributed in the Nile River Basin of Africa, as well as in eastern and southern Africa, and is also found in some freshwater swamps. Although lions live in the savannah, in some areas close to water sources, lions and Nile crocodiles often meet, but rarely go to war.

But during the dry season, or during short periods of food, nile crocodiles will target lions drinking water or crossing rivers. Lions also find ways to prey on Nile crocodiles that climb to shore.

Under normal circumstances, nile crocodiles only dare to prey on lion cubs, or some older lionesses, after all, the explosive power of adult lions is amazing, even if they are bitten by the nile crocodile's blood basin, they can break free. However, if it is in the water, the adult Nile crocodile has the ability to kill adult lions.

Adult Nile crocodiles have a bite force of up to 1125 kg, and even hard turtle shells can be crushed. Moreover, the average body length is more than 3.5 meters, and the average weight is more than 500 kilograms. Powerful bite force, huge body, combined with the stunt "Death Roll", can quickly strangle the lion, or drag the lion into the water to drown.

On land, the Nile crocodile has lost a lot of advantages, its crawling speed is not fast, the attack method is more single, it can only bite each other, and they dare not easily expose their abdomen. So on land, lions can also hunt Nile crocodiles, usually three or four lionesses, or a male lion can hunt a Nile crocodile.

However, in most cases, lions can only hunt Nile crocodiles within two meters, and the success rate of hunting is not high. Because the Nile crocodile has very hard thick scales on its back, these scales are very exaggerated in defense, and can even resist the attack of bullets, so it is difficult for the lion's claws and teeth to cause them actual damage.

If a lion wants to hunt a Nile crocodile, it must find a way to tear its neck, or flip the Nile crocodile upside down and bite its abdomen. Both of these attacks are very dangerous and lions will not try unless they have to.

Therefore, in most cases, the Nile crocodile can retreat completely, such as the battle mentioned at the beginning of the text, although the Nile crocodile is deeply encircled, but with the thick point of the skin and flesh, it rushes out of the encirclement and retreats into the water.

Speaking of this, there may be some netizens who want to question the strength of the lion again, because the jaguar feeds on crocodiles, and it is all crocodiles that kill crocodiles in seconds, is the strength of the lion not as good as the jaguar.

In fact, the crocodiles hunted by jaguars are all caimans, and they are smaller spectacled caimans among caimans. This crocodile averages 1.5 meters, the longest is 2.5 meters, their bite force is not high, the defense is not strong.

The jaguar is the world's second largest cat after lions and tigers, with an average weight of about 100 kilograms, a bite force of up to 550 kilograms, and is very good at swimming, even in the water, it also has the strength to hunt eye caimans.

In general, the strength of lions is beyond doubt, they also have the ability to kill Nile crocodiles, but it takes a heavy price to kill an adult Nile crocodile, and lions will not do such stupid things unless they are hungry and anxious. #I'm going to make micro headlines##Animal##Lion#Crocodile##打开眼界 #

On the banks of the Samburu River in Africa, three lions are biting a Nile crocodile, and they thought that the lion was the dominant side, but the battle situation was unexpected. The Nile crocodile is mainly distributed in the Nile River Basin in Africa,
On the banks of the Samburu River in Africa, three lions are biting a Nile crocodile, and they thought that the lion was the dominant side, but the battle situation was unexpected. The Nile crocodile is mainly distributed in the Nile River Basin in Africa,
On the banks of the Samburu River in Africa, three lions are biting a Nile crocodile, and they thought that the lion was the dominant side, but the battle situation was unexpected. The Nile crocodile is mainly distributed in the Nile River Basin in Africa,
On the banks of the Samburu River in Africa, three lions are biting a Nile crocodile, and they thought that the lion was the dominant side, but the battle situation was unexpected. The Nile crocodile is mainly distributed in the Nile River Basin in Africa,
On the banks of the Samburu River in Africa, three lions are biting a Nile crocodile, and they thought that the lion was the dominant side, but the battle situation was unexpected. The Nile crocodile is mainly distributed in the Nile River Basin in Africa,
On the banks of the Samburu River in Africa, three lions are biting a Nile crocodile, and they thought that the lion was the dominant side, but the battle situation was unexpected. The Nile crocodile is mainly distributed in the Nile River Basin in Africa,

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