
My mobile phone photography on the tip of the tongue on the tip of the Dongshan year from around the Qingming Dynasty, BiluoChun mining roasting. Then the white jade loquat, known as the world's one, the old death in the fruit to die. Further down is the East Mountain Rafter


My cell phone photography

Higashiyama on the tip of the tongue

Throughout the year from around the Time of the Qing Dynasty, Biluochun was mined and roasted. Then the white jade loquat, known as the world's one, the old death in the fruit to die. Further down is the Higashiyama plum. The white fruit on the white fruit tree is also superb. In the winter chestnuts, the lamb is good, and the spring lettuce, white water fish, white rice shrimp and silver fish in the water are called "Taihu Lake Three Whites". Wild quetails. The hairy crabs of Taihu Lake will be caught next month and can be eaten until December. Every summer, we make our own sour plum soup, which is chilled and quenched. Autumn loquat cream can cure cough. There are countless fruits and vegetables, you say that it is the land of fishing and rice, anyway, I have to go to rest for two or three days every two or three weeks, play once, and will meet relatives and friends. In the vast Taihu Lake, there are countless small islands in sight, safely hiding in the mountains and rivers.

My mobile phone photography on the tip of the tongue on the tip of the Dongshan year from around the Qingming Dynasty, BiluoChun mining roasting. Then the white jade loquat, known as the world's one, the old death in the fruit to die. Further down is the East Mountain Rafter
My mobile phone photography on the tip of the tongue on the tip of the Dongshan year from around the Qingming Dynasty, BiluoChun mining roasting. Then the white jade loquat, known as the world's one, the old death in the fruit to die. Further down is the East Mountain Rafter
My mobile phone photography on the tip of the tongue on the tip of the Dongshan year from around the Qingming Dynasty, BiluoChun mining roasting. Then the white jade loquat, known as the world's one, the old death in the fruit to die. Further down is the East Mountain Rafter

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