
Watched a super strange documentary, called "Animal Ring", a very ancient film, the painting style is strange, the whole film is about animals getting angry, and the funniest thing is that it will make every kind of anger and people


Watched a super weird documentary,

It's called "Animal Stage.",

Very old films,

The painting style is clear,

The whole film is about animals getting angry.

The funniest thing is that it compares every kind of anger to humans.

The funniest thing is that the alpaca is angry,

They spit on their anger,

You spray one I spray one,

Can spray two meters,

And honey badgers,

I'd rather be stung to death by a bee than fight a bee to the end.

And the rhinoceros who are provoked by butterflies because of poor eyesight,

They're always angry.

Some hurt themselves,

Some hurt others.

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Watched a super strange documentary, called "Animal Ring", a very ancient film, the painting style is strange, the whole film is about animals getting angry, and the funniest thing is that it will make every kind of anger and people
Watched a super strange documentary, called "Animal Ring", a very ancient film, the painting style is strange, the whole film is about animals getting angry, and the funniest thing is that it will make every kind of anger and people
Watched a super strange documentary, called "Animal Ring", a very ancient film, the painting style is strange, the whole film is about animals getting angry, and the funniest thing is that it will make every kind of anger and people

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