
"Flowing Firefly Collection" Perception: 1. Fantasy is like a group of fireflies - the active spark, shining in the darkness. Compare fantasy to fireflies, desperate children, creative thoughts that burst into sparks of truth

author:Blameless 7061

"Flowing Firefly Collection" Insights:

1. Fantasize like a swarm of fireflies — the active sparks that shine in the darkness.

The metaphor of fantasy to a firefly, a desperate child, and a spark of creative thinking is really encouraging.

2. The violet on the side of the road cannot attract the negligent gaze, but its voice can murmur in these sporadic verses.

It is not that there is no beauty, but there is no eye to discover beauty, and a good literary and artistic work is to reveal the truth, goodness, and beauty.

3. In this silent darkness, in the cave of the heart, the dream uses the fragments left behind by the day's travel in the desert to create an incense nest.

What you see and hear during the day is the material of your dreams during the day, live well, and your dreams will be more beautiful.

4. Although my words are mild, when my works sink with deep meaning, they can dance in the torrent of time.

It reminds me of Sima Qian, who was humble and light-hearted, did not listen to slander, and was punished by the palace, but his pen was deep and powerful, and his works were eternal.

"Look at the Han family's cause, the Five Tombs have no trees and autumn winds."

The Han Dynasty was like a lone bird drowning in the long sky, the ancients were sinking, and the "History" was like the hanging sun and moon.

"Flowing Firefly Collection" Perception: 1. Fantasy is like a group of fireflies - the active spark, shining in the darkness. Compare fantasy to fireflies, desperate children, creative thoughts that burst into sparks of truth
"Flowing Firefly Collection" Perception: 1. Fantasy is like a group of fireflies - the active spark, shining in the darkness. Compare fantasy to fireflies, desperate children, creative thoughts that burst into sparks of truth
"Flowing Firefly Collection" Perception: 1. Fantasy is like a group of fireflies - the active spark, shining in the darkness. Compare fantasy to fireflies, desperate children, creative thoughts that burst into sparks of truth

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