
In March this year, fishermen in the Indian state of Karnataka accidentally caught a giant monster fish with a "chainsaw" on its head and a terrifying appearance, causing panic among many people, and locals were worried about its saw

author:All things are spiritual

In March this year, fishermen in the Indian state of Karnataka accidentally caught a giant monster fish with a "chainsaw" on its head, causing panic among many people, who were worried that its serrations would split humans.

This giant monster fish is actually an extremely rare sawfish, belonging to the world's most endangered animals, about 6 meters long and weighing 250 kilograms. He died due to untimely treatment.

Sawfish, belonging to the cartilaginous fish family, have a body length of 5.4-7.6 meters, a maximum of 9 meters, and a maximum weight of more than 500 kg. There are 21-35 pairs of sharp fangs distributed on the long plate of the snout, up to 2 meters long and 30 centimeters wide, which looks very much like a giant "chainsaw", so it is also known as the "chainsaw demon" of the ocean.

Saw rays feed on a variety of fish, but they are extremely aggressive, dare to attack some large fish, aim at the belly of the fish and pounce, until the other party sawed open slowly to enjoy the food. When encountering small schools of fish, they will show a ferocious and bloodthirsty side, and will rush directly into the fish, wielding a "chainsaw" to slash wildly.

Moreover, the sawfish's serrations also have thousands of "electron receivers" distributed on them, which can easily detect the hiding place of prey, so the sawfish has a very high predation success rate and is also known as one of the most dangerous animals in the ocean.

Although it is very dangerous in the ocean, the sawfish rarely attacks humans, and its serrated teeth cannot split people in half, after all, its attack method is too simple, and the fangs on the sawtooth cannot even cut the fishing net.

However, due to the particularity of sawfish, it has been hunted and killed by humans. After killing the sawfish, the locals will make its skin into leather and sheath, the liver is also made into cod liver oil, and the serrations of the snout are made into various weapons or crafts, known as the "shark sword", which sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars, resulting in the sawfish on the verge of extinction.

There is another kind of sawfish-like creature in the ocean, that is, sawshark, although it belongs to the shark subject, but it is a shame in the shark world, and it is almost extinct.

Sawshark, with a long board on the snout and sharp teeth on both sides, looks very much like a "chainsaw", and there are two tentacles in the center of the long board that can sense the prey around it, mainly living at a depth of 40 meters on the seabed.

They are different from most sharks, and when they find their prey, they will rush directly up, use the fangs on both sides of the longboard to saw the prey, saw it into pieces, and then swallow it in their mouths.

Although the appearance is fierce and the attack method is unique, they are quite different from the sawfish, first of all, the saw shark is small, and the largest is only about 4 meters. Secondly, their guts are extremely small, and the bolder they are, the smaller they are, and even the 4-meter-long sawshark will not forage during the day. They do not dare to come out at night, and their prey is basically small fish, shrimp, or other deep-sea invertebrates.

Because of its unique shape, the sawshark has also been hunted by humans, and now that it is on the verge of extinction, the International Association has had to include it in the list of first-class protected animals, prohibiting anyone from killing.

It can only be said that nature is full of strange things, and all kinds of strange animals will appear, but unfortunately, due to human intervention, too many creatures have gone extinct! #I'm going to make micro headlines##Animal##Shark##Open Eyes##大有学问 #

In March this year, fishermen in the Indian state of Karnataka accidentally caught a giant monster fish with a "chainsaw" on its head and a terrifying appearance, causing panic among many people, and locals were worried about its saw
In March this year, fishermen in the Indian state of Karnataka accidentally caught a giant monster fish with a "chainsaw" on its head and a terrifying appearance, causing panic among many people, and locals were worried about its saw
In March this year, fishermen in the Indian state of Karnataka accidentally caught a giant monster fish with a "chainsaw" on its head and a terrifying appearance, causing panic among many people, and locals were worried about its saw
In March this year, fishermen in the Indian state of Karnataka accidentally caught a giant monster fish with a "chainsaw" on its head and a terrifying appearance, causing panic among many people, and locals were worried about its saw
In March this year, fishermen in the Indian state of Karnataka accidentally caught a giant monster fish with a "chainsaw" on its head and a terrifying appearance, causing panic among many people, and locals were worried about its saw
In March this year, fishermen in the Indian state of Karnataka accidentally caught a giant monster fish with a "chainsaw" on its head and a terrifying appearance, causing panic among many people, and locals were worried about its saw
In March this year, fishermen in the Indian state of Karnataka accidentally caught a giant monster fish with a "chainsaw" on its head and a terrifying appearance, causing panic among many people, and locals were worried about its saw
In March this year, fishermen in the Indian state of Karnataka accidentally caught a giant monster fish with a "chainsaw" on its head and a terrifying appearance, causing panic among many people, and locals were worried about its saw
In March this year, fishermen in the Indian state of Karnataka accidentally caught a giant monster fish with a "chainsaw" on its head and a terrifying appearance, causing panic among many people, and locals were worried about its saw

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