
Late rice bayberry: the relationship between color change and quality

author:Fruit agronomics

For the colored bayberry varieties I have been exposed to, the color represents maturity to a certain extent, especially for the black arbutus such as late rice bayberry and charcoal plum, the color change process is actually the process of maturity. Therefore, in a sense, color is one of the most important signs that intuitively reflect the ripeness of the fruit.

Late rice bayberry: the relationship between color change and quality

Late rice bayberry grading sample

At the same time, the process time from coloring to ripening of bayberry is generally shorter, especially the bayberry enters the best quality ripening period, and its maintenance time is shorter, and at the time of picking, most of the picking staff's judgment of the quality of the bayberry fruit often comes from the color of the bayberry fruit, of course, a small part also comes from the hardness of the moment when the hand touches the bayberry.

In the real picking, it is impossible to let the bayberry mature to the best state to pick, most people will think that there is already a better quality of the bayberry harvested, so the relationship between the quality and color of late rice bayberry is worthy of attention.

Late rice bayberry: the relationship between color change and quality

Late rice bayberry grading sample

According to the visual grading standard of late rice bayberry, I made a number of samples of the grading of late rice bayberry fruit in different orchards, and made data observations on its color, soluble solids, and flavor, from which we can get some regular things.

1. With the deepening of the color of late rice bayberry, the soluble solid content of the fruit shows an upward trend, and vice versa. (Figure 3)

Late rice bayberry: the relationship between color change and quality

2. For late rice bayberry, when the color does not reach a certain depth, the content of soluble solids is often low, such as 13% soluble solids content only appears in blackened fruits. Although the color depth is not necessarily high in soluble solids, the soluble solids content of light colored bayberry must not be very high. (Table 1)

Late rice bayberry: the relationship between color change and quality

3. Changes in the standing conditions and environmental conditions of bayberry orchards will affect the quality of late rice bayberry fruits, such as the level of soluble solids content, but do not affect this trend. (Figure 1)

Late rice bayberry: the relationship between color change and quality

From the observation of the grading sample made by the late rice bayberry in the past two years, it can basically be considered that the color of the high-quality fruit of the late rice bayberry needs to reach the purple and black level, and the increase in the color depth plays an important role in the stability of the quality of the late rice bayberry.

From the perspective of application, on the one hand, an orchard's understanding of the internal relationship between the color change and quality of its own arbutus fruit can further improve the accuracy of picking. It can also improve the accuracy of grading. On the other hand, for third parties, the determination of the color of high-quality fruits can provide a basis for developing AI to judge the quality control after artificial grading of bayberry fruits, such as the current popular plate grading of bayberry fruits, the instrument takes pictures or scans the color map of the fruit, and then according to the relationship between color and quality, it is necessary to judge which fruits do not meet the requirements and provide feedback, provide reference for grading personnel to replace the fruit, and can also be used as the basis for grading quality inspection. This is of great significance to ensure the stability of the quality of the fruit of bayberry goods, and can also achieve digital docking, so that consumers can see what they see is what they get, and realize the sharing of information.

Late rice bayberry: the relationship between color change and quality

Sometimes I feel that the late rice bayberry is darker, and sometimes it is not black, which requires experience

Late rice bayberry is easy to produce water, so it is not tolerant of graded selection. However, for some bayberry varieties, in principle, it can be mechanically graded, and color can become an important reference factor in automatic grading, in this sense, it is still of practical significance to understand the relationship between color and intrinsic quality.

Thanks for reading!

Next, I share my understanding of the arbutus fruit fly.

Late rice bayberry: the relationship between color change and quality

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