
Hollow strawberries can not be bought? You have to understand what causes the strawberry to hollow out

author:Farmer Yiqi

Because of the delicate and nutritious taste of strawberries, it is loved by consumers. Because the efficiency of growing strawberries is high, there are many growers engaged in strawberry cultivation. But some consumers have found that sometimes the strawberries they buy are hollow. Because of this, some people wonder whether the use of bulking agents or drugs such as erythrobin in the strawberry cultivation process?

Hollow strawberries can not be bought? You have to understand what causes the strawberry to hollow out

In fact, it is not correct to judge whether to use expanding agents or oxylatins and the like just by using strawberry hollows. Because there are many factors that cause the hollowness of strawberries, such as varieties, light factors, planting technology problems, fertilizers and so on.

One: variety factors

At present, there are more than 20,000 known strawberry varieties in the world, but there are only a few dozen excellent varieties cultivated in large areas. There are 200-300 new varieties cultivated by China itself and imported from abroad. The strawberry varieties grown by growers today are basically dwarf strawberries, red strawberries, female peak strawberries, Mei Xiangsha strawberries, Zhangji strawberries, Qianberry No. 2 strawberries, Xingxiang strawberries, Gangfeng strawberries, Anna strawberries and so on. For example, the two varieties of strawberries, Yukika and Sweet Charlie, are extremely prone to hollowing out because of their softer flesh and smaller density.

Hollow strawberries can not be bought? You have to understand what causes the strawberry to hollow out

Two: light factors

Light factors can also cause strawberries to appear hollow. Strawberries are light-loving plants, but they have strong shade tolerance, so they can grow normally under strong light conditions or under insufficient light. However, the intensity of light is related to the growth of strawberry fruits. When the light conditions are good, the strawberry plant is short, the fruit is small, the color is dark, and the quality is good. In the case of general light conditions, the fruit of strawberry is larger, but the color is lighter, and the sugar content of the fruit is lower; When the light conditions of the strawberry growth environment are extremely poor, it will seriously affect the growth of strawberries, and even the phenomenon of no buds will occur. However, if the light is unbalanced, or if the strong light is artificially filled, it will cause the strawberry to be hollow.

Hollow strawberries can not be bought? You have to understand what causes the strawberry to hollow out

Three: planting technology issues

In the process of strawberry cultivation, many growers are most likely to ignore the water demand of strawberries. The demand for water in strawberries throughout the growth process is extremely large, because the root system of strawberries is shallow and the amount of transpiration is large, so the demand for water is very strict. Depending on the growing season of strawberries, the amount of water required varies. In the early spring of strawberry flowering Hu, the water content in the soil is not less than 70%.Fruit growth and maturity period demand is the most, up to 80%, after harvesting, extract creeping stems and new adventitious roots, also need soil moisture content of not less than 70%, autumn is the plant accumulation of nutrients and flower bud formation period, soil moisture should not be less than 60%. Although strawberries have a large demand for water during the growth process, and strawberries are not waterlogged, growing strawberries requires good soil permeability and attention to drainage during the rainy season in the field. Especially after the strawberry is hung, the water demand cannot keep up or is often "watered", and the phenomenon of strawberry hollowing will occur.

Hollow strawberries can not be bought? You have to understand what causes the strawberry to hollow out

Four: fertilizer use factors

Strawberries require a greater amount of fertilizer from transplanting to flowering. In addition to applying the bottom fertilizer, it is also necessary to supplement the fertilizer according to the growth of strawberries. At the expansion stage of the fruit and the beginning of harvesting, strawberry special fertilizer or diamine phosphate 10 kg is applied. Combined with watering, the effect of ditching in the form of 200 times liquid fertilizer is better, and only 0.1-0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed 2-3 times in the field with good growth. However, some growers apply heavy nitrogen to strawberries during the expansion period of strawberries, causing strawberries to expand rapidly, which will not only affect the taste of strawberries, but also cause the phenomenon of strawberry hollowness.

Hollow strawberries can not be bought? You have to understand what causes the strawberry to hollow out

Of course, it is not excluded that some strawberry growers apply bulking agents to expand strawberries in the expansion period or use red agents to ripen strawberries in order to pursue profits. The application of drugs such as bulking agents or red-inducing agents to strawberries will also cause the phenomenon of strawberry hollowing. However, it is unscientific to judge whether to use hormonal drugs or the like simply by whether the strawberry is hollow.

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