
An evergreen tree of the genus Loquat. The flowering period is from October to February, and one inflorescence blooms for about one month, and blooms in three batches, with a fruit period of May to June. Loquat fruit tastes luscious and is shaped like a yellow apricot, yes

author:Smooth and smooth

An evergreen tree of the genus Loquat. The flowering period is from October to February, and one inflorescence blooms for about one month, and blooms in three batches, with a fruit period of May to June.

Loquat fruit has a luscious taste and is shaped like a yellow apricot, and is a nutrient-rich health fruit.

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An evergreen tree of the genus Loquat. The flowering period is from October to February, and one inflorescence blooms for about one month, and blooms in three batches, with a fruit period of May to June. Loquat fruit tastes luscious and is shaped like a yellow apricot, yes
An evergreen tree of the genus Loquat. The flowering period is from October to February, and one inflorescence blooms for about one month, and blooms in three batches, with a fruit period of May to June. Loquat fruit tastes luscious and is shaped like a yellow apricot, yes
An evergreen tree of the genus Loquat. The flowering period is from October to February, and one inflorescence blooms for about one month, and blooms in three batches, with a fruit period of May to June. Loquat fruit tastes luscious and is shaped like a yellow apricot, yes

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