
The sky from this morning to about 1:30 p.m., full of clouds, sometimes like cotton blossoms; Sometimes it resembles fish scales piece by piece; Sometimes it's like a heavenly soldier, row after row is neatly arranged

author:Veena's daily life

The sky from this morning to about 1:30 p.m., full of clouds, sometimes like cotton blossoms; Sometimes it resembles fish scales piece by piece; Sometimes like the heavenly soldiers, rows and rows are neatly arranged, falling from the sky; Sometimes like thick snow; Sometimes like a huge wave, the waves are turbulent and majestic; In the fifth photo, in particular, it doesn't look like a macaque looking up at the white horse above. The more I look at it, the more vivid it feels.

The sky from this morning to about 1:30 p.m., full of clouds, sometimes like cotton blossoms; Sometimes it resembles fish scales piece by piece; Sometimes it's like a heavenly soldier, row after row is neatly arranged
The sky from this morning to about 1:30 p.m., full of clouds, sometimes like cotton blossoms; Sometimes it resembles fish scales piece by piece; Sometimes it's like a heavenly soldier, row after row is neatly arranged
The sky from this morning to about 1:30 p.m., full of clouds, sometimes like cotton blossoms; Sometimes it resembles fish scales piece by piece; Sometimes it's like a heavenly soldier, row after row is neatly arranged
The sky from this morning to about 1:30 p.m., full of clouds, sometimes like cotton blossoms; Sometimes it resembles fish scales piece by piece; Sometimes it's like a heavenly soldier, row after row is neatly arranged
The sky from this morning to about 1:30 p.m., full of clouds, sometimes like cotton blossoms; Sometimes it resembles fish scales piece by piece; Sometimes it's like a heavenly soldier, row after row is neatly arranged
The sky from this morning to about 1:30 p.m., full of clouds, sometimes like cotton blossoms; Sometimes it resembles fish scales piece by piece; Sometimes it's like a heavenly soldier, row after row is neatly arranged
The sky from this morning to about 1:30 p.m., full of clouds, sometimes like cotton blossoms; Sometimes it resembles fish scales piece by piece; Sometimes it's like a heavenly soldier, row after row is neatly arranged
The sky from this morning to about 1:30 p.m., full of clouds, sometimes like cotton blossoms; Sometimes it resembles fish scales piece by piece; Sometimes it's like a heavenly soldier, row after row is neatly arranged
The sky from this morning to about 1:30 p.m., full of clouds, sometimes like cotton blossoms; Sometimes it resembles fish scales piece by piece; Sometimes it's like a heavenly soldier, row after row is neatly arranged

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