
Colorful frogs also have a certain harm to people, you may not believe it when you say it?

author:Morning loves painting

When you encounter a beautiful little frog in the depths of Colombia's tropical forest, you will be attracted by its brilliant colors, and may even reach out and hold it in your hand, and within the next few seconds, your hand will begin to go numb, and you will subconsciously react to something, but unfortunately, the toxin will quickly spread throughout the body

In Colombia, Costa Rica and Brazil, there are more than 175 species of poison dart frogs also called poison dart frogs, three of which are so powerful that hunters will apply them to darts, and although this frog is small, one to five centimeters, the venom of the golden poison frog is enough to kill ten adult men, and there is no antidote to this day.

Studies have shown that the average golden poison frog has a milligram of alkaloid toxins on it, and one of the most powerful alkaloids is the ground spinosaphorin, which can kill 1,000 people in just one moment. The bright color of the frog is actually a warning to potential predators, and over time, predators gradually learn that the more brightly colored the frog is more toxic.

Colorful frogs also have a certain harm to people, you may not believe it when you say it?
Colorful frogs also have a certain harm to people, you may not believe it when you say it?

They are therefore avoided and poison dart frogs do not transfer toxins by biting. Instead, the toxin is excreted through the skin glands and transferred by touch. Batrachotoxin is a toxin that causes convulsions, muscle contractions, difficulty breathing, and muscle numbness. If you eat the next one then you will hang up immediately.

If you come into contact with poisonous dart frogs in the wild, you must wash your hands immediately, because toxins must enter the blood to affect the body, and washing your hands as soon as possible may prevent toxins from entering the body. If the toxin enters the bloodstream through the wound, it is likely to die within three minutes, while remembering not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.

There was once a Ranger who killed a poison dart frog with his knife, but later forgot to clean his knife. A week later he accidentally cut himself with a knife for a few minutes before his heartbeat stopped. Most contacted poison dart frogs are less toxic, such as the blue poison dart frog, in which case the toxin causes spasms, pain, and stiffness but is not fatal.

Colorful frogs also have a certain harm to people, you may not believe it when you say it?
Colorful frogs also have a certain harm to people, you may not believe it when you say it?

Some people keep poison dart frogs as pets, so are they poisonous? Most captive frogs are not toxic, these poisonous frogs are not born poisonous, but they eat insects and other arthropods to obtain toxic chemicals, so captive frogs do not produce venom, it is very safe to touch.

Have you also seen those highly toxic animals? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section.

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