
The yard planted "5 trees", which have been blessed for generations, full of fruits and blessed, and prosperous and prosperous

author:Ichiki who loves flowers

Now many people have a yard of their own, whether in the countryside or in the city, the yard is empty to look uncomfortable, must plant some trees, so what kind of trees are better to plant? The following one tree has sorted out 5 kinds of trees for everyone, their lifespan is long, it is no problem to pass on to their children and grandchildren, and they are auspicious and prosperous.

The yard planted "5 trees", which have been blessed for generations, full of fruits and blessed, and prosperous and prosperous

First, the osmanthus tree

The yard planted "5 trees", which have been blessed for generations, full of fruits and blessed, and prosperous and prosperous

Osmanthus tree is a symbol of wealth, from ancient times to the present many dignitaries like to cultivate osmanthus trees in front of the door, the name of this tree has a gui character, and guizi homophony, is a very auspicious tree. And the osmanthus tree blooms every year, not only can you smell the flowers, but also the osmanthus can be picked down to make osmanthus cake, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Second, the date tree

The yard planted "5 trees", which have been blessed for generations, full of fruits and blessed, and prosperous and prosperous

Families who need to be imported can plant a jujube tree in the yard, the jujube tree not only has a long lifespan, but also can hang fruit every year, whether it is ornamental or picking and eating is very convenient. The key jujube tree has a good meaning, and its meaning is to give birth to a noble son early, so that all children and grandchildren can prosper.

Third, the begonia tree

The yard planted "5 trees", which have been blessed for generations, full of fruits and blessed, and prosperous and prosperous

If you want the family to prosper for a long time and seek an auspicious meaning, then the begonia tree is a very good choice. Because this tree not only blossoms very beautifully, but also has a very long lifespan, it has been a representative tree species of the royal garden since ancient times, and its meaning is also very beautiful, with the meaning of gold and jade.

Fourth, the pomegranate tree

The yard planted "5 trees", which have been blessed for generations, full of fruits and blessed, and prosperous and prosperous

Pomegranate tree is not only an ancient tree, but also a fruit tree, it is both ornamental and practical, planted in front of the door of the home a pomegranate tree can eat their own pomegranate every year, and it has a long lifespan, passed on to future generations is no problem. Its meaning is that there are many seeds and many blessings, just like pomegranate seeds.

Fifth, persimmon trees

The yard planted "5 trees", which have been blessed for generations, full of fruits and blessed, and prosperous and prosperous

We Chinese favorite is the festive color, planting persimmon trees is a kind of festive tree, because when the persimmons bear fruit every year, the persimmons full of trees imply the feeling of red and fiery new year, red and lustrous, very auspicious, and the meaning of everything going smoothly. And you can harvest persimmons every year to make persimmon cakes, which is a very practical tree species.