
8.26 [Self-discipline weight loss punch card] Diet chapter today light fasting morning a cup of kale powder black coffee, until two o'clock in the afternoon, a cup of milk coffee kale powder, a double yolk egg, dinner roll

author:Love life

8.26 [Self-discipline weight loss punch card] diet

Light fasting today

A cup of kale powder black coffee in the morning until two o'clock in the afternoon, a cup of milk coffee kale powder, a double yolk egg, and a cabbage black fungus tomato egg soup for dinner, also a double yolk egg. Ordered takeaway yogurt to make a single Oden boil 🍢, eat like soy products, the standard weight of 27 grams, also ate by me.

Eat these all day long, drink water at other times, and winter melon lotus leaf tea.

#Summer Battle ##Self-Discipline Life Cultivation # #减肥减脂吃这些 #

8.26 [Self-discipline weight loss punch card] Diet chapter today light fasting morning a cup of kale powder black coffee, until two o'clock in the afternoon, a cup of milk coffee kale powder, a double yolk egg, dinner roll
8.26 [Self-discipline weight loss punch card] Diet chapter today light fasting morning a cup of kale powder black coffee, until two o'clock in the afternoon, a cup of milk coffee kale powder, a double yolk egg, dinner roll
8.26 [Self-discipline weight loss punch card] Diet chapter today light fasting morning a cup of kale powder black coffee, until two o'clock in the afternoon, a cup of milk coffee kale powder, a double yolk egg, dinner roll

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