
White palm, also known as smooth sailing. Because its shape resembles a sailboat, giving people a sense of pure peace and tranquility and antai beauty, the white palm has an auspicious meaning, expressing peace and security, and everything goes smoothly

author:Love the tenderness of planting flowers

White palm, also known as smooth sailing.

Because its shape is like a sailing ship, giving people a sense of pure, calm and peaceful and peaceful beauty, the white palm has an auspicious meaning, expressing peace and security, and everything goes smoothly. The flower language of the white palm is smooth sailing. Whether it is to send a friend or buy it and put it in the living room, it is a good green plant.

White palms can be hydroponic or soil-based. According to the reason, it is very good to feed, but unfortunately every time I buy it, it is leafy, but through my hands to raise it just like Figure 4 [cover my face], or it is originally a big leaf, at most a year let me develop a small leaf, but I don't know why. #Summer Wars # #分享一下你与花草的缘分 #

White palm, also known as smooth sailing. Because its shape resembles a sailboat, giving people a sense of pure peace and tranquility and antai beauty, the white palm has an auspicious meaning, expressing peace and security, and everything goes smoothly
White palm, also known as smooth sailing. Because its shape resembles a sailboat, giving people a sense of pure peace and tranquility and antai beauty, the white palm has an auspicious meaning, expressing peace and security, and everything goes smoothly
White palm, also known as smooth sailing. Because its shape resembles a sailboat, giving people a sense of pure peace and tranquility and antai beauty, the white palm has an auspicious meaning, expressing peace and security, and everything goes smoothly
White palm, also known as smooth sailing. Because its shape resembles a sailboat, giving people a sense of pure peace and tranquility and antai beauty, the white palm has an auspicious meaning, expressing peace and security, and everything goes smoothly
White palm, also known as smooth sailing. Because its shape resembles a sailboat, giving people a sense of pure peace and tranquility and antai beauty, the white palm has an auspicious meaning, expressing peace and security, and everything goes smoothly
White palm, also known as smooth sailing. Because its shape resembles a sailboat, giving people a sense of pure peace and tranquility and antai beauty, the white palm has an auspicious meaning, expressing peace and security, and everything goes smoothly

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