
The woman divorced her husband who had cheated many times in marriage, and the mother-in-law's reaction when she learned of this was comparable to that of a chameleon. The once intimate mother-in-law relationship was an illusion, shattered in an instant. The mother-in-law urged the child

author:Seven Acre Tea House

The woman divorced her husband who had cheated many times in marriage, and the mother-in-law's reaction when she learned of this was comparable to that of a chameleon. The once intimate mother-in-law relationship was an illusion, shattered in an instant.

The mother-in-law urged her son to fight a lawsuit and compete for the custody of her granddaughter; While chewing the root of the tongue in front of the child, the relationship between mother and daughter is split openly and secretly. Resentment towards her husband and mother-in-law makes women exhausted.

Just when the woman was actively working hard to keep the custody of her daughter, the daughter said that she did not want to live with her and wanted to be with her father. In the face of this result, how could she not be cold.

This poor woman is the gu nian in "The War of the Roses". The more I watched this drama, the more I felt that she was the most miserable in the whole drama.

The mother-in-law who turned her face faster than the book, the husband who lied without even blinking her eyes, and the daughter who was still young and willful and ignorant, these three people used three knives to stab Gu Nian fiercely, how could she not be in pain.

In the process of playing this role, Yuan Quan performed Gu Nian's emotional progression, from helplessness to despair, from despair to resistance, Gu Nian's weakness and strength, all in her performance.

Fortunately, the child finally figured it out and chose to live with her, otherwise she didn't know how much pain she would have.

I hope Gu Nian can have a happy ending, leaving the interference of "garbage man". Even if you can't be with Abundance, at least you can be beautiful like Ling Yi.

#Gossip Manual#

#玫瑰之战我来追 #

The woman divorced her husband who had cheated many times in marriage, and the mother-in-law's reaction when she learned of this was comparable to that of a chameleon. The once intimate mother-in-law relationship was an illusion, shattered in an instant. The mother-in-law urged the child
The woman divorced her husband who had cheated many times in marriage, and the mother-in-law's reaction when she learned of this was comparable to that of a chameleon. The once intimate mother-in-law relationship was an illusion, shattered in an instant. The mother-in-law urged the child
The woman divorced her husband who had cheated many times in marriage, and the mother-in-law's reaction when she learned of this was comparable to that of a chameleon. The once intimate mother-in-law relationship was an illusion, shattered in an instant. The mother-in-law urged the child
The woman divorced her husband who had cheated many times in marriage, and the mother-in-law's reaction when she learned of this was comparable to that of a chameleon. The once intimate mother-in-law relationship was an illusion, shattered in an instant. The mother-in-law urged the child

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